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Fire Action Notice

Fire Action Notice

Notice To All Tenants,

In the unfortunate event of a fire emergency, it is crucial to act swiftly and efficiently to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals within our premises. Please familiarize yourself with the following procedures and guidelines:



Raise the Alarm

  • Upon discovering a fire, immediately activate the fire alarm by pulling the nearest fire alarm call point.

  • Notify others by shouting "Fire!" to alert those who may not hear the alarm.

Evacuate the Building

  • Leave the building via the nearest available exit.

  • Do not use elevators.

  • Assist others in evacuating, especially those who may require assistance.

  • Follow the illuminated exit signs and proceed to the designated assembly point [see map].

Do Not Panic

  • Remain calm and composed throughout the evacuation process.

Follow Instructions

  • Listen to and follow the instructions of the designated fire wardens or emergency responders.

Do Not Re-enter the Building

  • Do not re-enter the building until authorized personnel declare it safe.

Report to Assembly Point

  • Remain at the assembly point until all clear is given.

  • Do not leave until accounted for by management.

Your cooperation and adherence to these procedures are vital for ensuring the safety of everyone in our facility. Regular fire drills will be conducted to familiarize everyone with these procedures.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

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