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Marketing Pre-Launch Meeting Minute

Marketing Pre-Launch Meeting Minute

Date: October 30, 2050

Time: 11 AM to 2 PM

Location: Conference Room A

Meeting Attendees:

  1. Lucas Bell, Marketing Manager

  2. Sophia Marshall, Product Manager

  3. Ethan Turner, Creative Director

  4. Ava Williams, Content Writer

  5. Liam Roberts, Graphic Designer

  6. Olivia Adams, Digital Marketing Specialist


  • Review of Pre-Launch Marketing Strategy

  • Content Creation and Distribution Plan

  • Social Media Campaign Discussion

  • Advertising and Promotion Channels

  • Key Milestones and Deadlines

Meeting Summary:

1. Review of Pre-Launch Marketing Strategy

  • Lucas Bell, the Marketing Manager, provided an overview of the pre-launch marketing strategy for the upcoming [Product Name] launch.

  • He emphasized the importance of creating buzz and anticipation leading up to the launch date.

  • Lucas highlighted the key objectives, including increasing brand awareness and capturing early adopters.

  • He discussed the target audience, which primarily includes millennials and Gen Z.

  • The floor was opened for questions and clarifications.

2. Content Creation and Distribution Plan

  • Ava Williams, the Content Writer, presented the content plan.

  • She outlined the content types, including blog posts, videos, and social media updates.

  • Ava discussed the content calendar and deadlines, highlighting key publication dates.

  • She requested input from the team regarding content ideas and topics.

3. Social Media Campaign Discussion

  • Olivia Adams, the Digital Marketing Specialist, led the discussion on the social media campaign.

  • She presented the campaign theme and hashtag: #NextGenProductBuzz.

  • Olivia shared the proposed posting schedule and engagement strategy.

  • She discussed the use of user-generated content and influencer partnerships.

  • Team members, especially Ethan and Liam, suggested additional platforms and content ideas.

4. Advertising and Promotion Channels

  • Lucas Bell, the Marketing Manager, outlined the advertising and promotion channels.

  • He mentioned plans for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and a series of webinars.

  • Lucas discussed the allocated budget for each channel, ensuring cost-effectiveness.

  • He requested input on ad creatives and targeting criteria, focusing on reaching our core demographic.

5. Key Milestones and Deadlines

  • Sophia Marshall, the Product Manager, shared the product development timeline.

  • She noted the product testing phase, which is to be completed in two weeks.

  • Sophia highlighted the pre-launch teaser video release on [Date].

  • She discussed the official launch date, [Launch Date], and post-launch follow-up activities.

Action Items:

  • Ava to finalize the content calendar by November 6, 2050.

  • Liam to prepare ad creatives for review by November 8, 2050

  • Olivia to reach out to potential influencers for collaboration by November 11, 2050.

  • Sophia to schedule a follow-up meeting to track progress.

Next Meeting: [Insert Date]

Meeting Adjourned: 2 PM

Prepared by [Your Name], [Your Position]

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