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Marketing Influencer Collaboration Agreement

Influencer Marketing Collaboration Agreement

This Marketing Influencer Collaboration Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on June 10, 2050 between [Your Company Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Company," and Dave Lawrence, hereinafter referred to as the "Influencer."

1. Purpose

a. Scope of Collaboration: This section should outline the primary purpose of the collaboration, which could include promoting a specific product, service, event, or campaign. Be specific about what the Influencer is expected to promote.

b. Campaign Description: Provide a detailed description of the marketing campaign, including its objectives, target audience, and key messaging. Specify any unique selling points (USPs) or specific features to be highlighted.

2. Compensation

a. Payment Details: Clearly state how the Influencer will be compensated for their services. This could include monetary payment, free products, commissions, or a combination thereof. Specify the amount or rate of compensation.

b. Payment Schedule: Define the payment frequency and schedule. For example, if the Influencer is to be paid monthly, specify the date by which payments will be made.

3. Deliverables

a. Types of Deliverables: List the specific deliverables expected from the Influencer. These could include social media posts, blog posts, videos, product reviews, or any other content relevant to the campaign.

b. Schedule and Format: Outline the schedule for delivering each type of content and specify any required format or guidelines. Be clear about deadlines and expectations for content quality.

4. Rights and Usage

a. Exclusive Usage: Explain that the Company has the exclusive right to use, reproduce, and distribute the content created by the Influencer for marketing and promotional purposes. Clarify that this includes both online and offline use.

b. Crediting the Influencer: Commit to giving appropriate credit to the as per industry standards. Describe how and where the Influencer will be credited in the content, e.g., through tags, mentions, or captions.

5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

a. FTC Guidelines: Mention the requirement for both parties to comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines on disclosing paid endorsements. The Influencer should be transparent about their relationship with the Company in their content.

6. Confidentiality

a. Definition of Confidential Information: Clearly define what constitutes confidential information. This can include marketing strategies, trade secrets, proprietary information, or any sensitive data shared during the collaboration.

b. Non-Disclosure Obligation: Specify that the Influencer is obligated to keep all confidential information confidential and not disclose it to third parties. Include provisions for return or destruction of confidential materials upon termination of the agreement.

7. Termination

a. Termination Conditions: Explain the circumstances under which either party may terminate the agreement. Include a notice period, which is the duration within which notice of termination must be provided.

b. Compensation upon Termination: Clarify that in the event of termination, the Influencer will receive compensation for services provided up to the termination date. Specify the method and timeline of payment.

8. Governing Law

a. Jurisdiction: State the jurisdiction and legal framework that will govern the agreement. Include a clause specifying that any disputes related to the agreement will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of a particular court or jurisdiction.

9. Entire Agreement

a. Comprehensive Agreement: Confirm that this written agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements or understandings.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Marketing Influencer Collaboration Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

[Recipient Name]

[Recipient Position]

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