Free Operations Job Rotation Form Template
Operations Job Rotation Form
This form is in compliance with applicable U.S. employment laws and standards. Please ensure all sections are completed accurately. For any clarifications or additional information, please contact the HR department at [Your Company Email] or [Your Company Number].
This form is confidential and is to be handled in accordance with [Your Company Name]'s privacy and confidentiality policies.
Name: [Your Name] |
Employee ID: [987654] |
Department/Unit: [Software Development] |
Contact Email: [Your Company Email] |
Current Position/Title: [Junior Software Developer] |
Contact Phone Number: [Your Company Number] |
A. Rotation Details
Rotation Start Date |
Expected Rotation End Date |
[Month, Day, Year] |
[Month, Day, Year] |
Department(s) to Rotate Into |
Specific Role(s)/Position(s) During Rotation |
1. Quality Assurance |
1. QA Tester |
2. |
2. |
3. |
3. |
B. Objectives and Goals
Please outline the specific objectives and skills that the employee aims to develop through this job rotation:
C. Approval
Employee's Signature
[Month, Day, Year]
Current Supervisor's Signature
[Month, Day, Year]
HR Department Approval
[Month, Day, Year]
Receiving Department Supervisor's Signature
[Month, Day, Year]
D. Post-Rotation Evaluation
To be completed at the end of the rotation period:
Skills Acquired:
Goals Achieved:
Feedback (Employee):
Feedback (Supervisor):
HR Final Evaluation: