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Legal Contract Renewal Policy

Legal Contract Renewal Policy


[Your Company Name] is committed to maintaining effective, transparent, and efficient processes for the renewal of contracts. This Contract Renewal Policy outlines the procedures and criteria for the renewal of contracts to ensure continuity of service, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and alignment with our organizational goals and strategies.


This policy applies to all contracts entered into by [Your Company Name], including but not limited to service agreements, vendor contracts, lease agreements, and partnership agreements.

Renewal Process

The contract renewal process is initiated and managed by the Contract Management Department (CMD), with the following steps:

  1. Review Period: All contracts must be reviewed at least [Number of Days] days before their expiration date to determine their eligibility for renewal.

  2. Evaluation Criteria: Contracts will be evaluated based on performance, compliance, cost-effectiveness, and alignment with [Your Company Name]'s strategic goals.

  3. Notice of Intent to Renew: If a contract is deemed eligible for renewal, [Your Company Name] will issue a Notice of Intent to Renew to the other party/parties involved at least [Number of Days] days before the contract's expiration date.

  4. Negotiation and Amendments: Any changes to the terms of the contract, including pricing, scope of services, or duration, must be negotiated and agreed upon before the renewal.

  5. Approval and Execution: The renewed contract must be approved by the authorized signatories from both parties and executed at least [Number of Days] before the current contract's expiration date.

Renewal Criteria

Contracts will be evaluated for renewal based on the following criteria:




Assessment of the service/product quality, timeliness, and satisfaction levels.


Adherence to legal, regulatory, and contractual obligations.


Evaluation of the financial benefits and cost savings relative to the market.

Strategic Alignment

Alignment with [Your Company Name]'s strategic goals and long-term interests.


Contracts may not be renewed if:

  • The contract does not meet the renewal criteria.

  • There is a significant change in [Your Company Name]'s strategic direction or needs.

  • There are persistent issues with performance or compliance.

  • The other party expresses a desire not to renew.

  • In the event of non-renewal, [Your Company Name] will provide a formal Notice of Non-Renewal to the other party/parties involved at least [Number of Days] days before the contract's expiration date.


  • Contract Management Department (CMD): Oversee the renewal process, evaluate contracts, negotiate terms, and ensure compliance with this policy.

  • Department Heads: Provide input on the performance and strategic alignment of contracts within their purview.

  • Legal Department: Review and approve all contractual documents for legal compliance.

Amendments to the Policy

[Your Company Name] acknowledges the dynamic nature of business operations, legal requirements, and market conditions, which may necessitate changes to this Contract Renewal Policy. Therefore, we reserve the right to amend, revise, or update this policy at any time to reflect such changes and ensure our contract renewal processes remain aligned with current laws, best practices, and the strategic objectives of our organization.

Any amendments to this policy will undergo a thorough review process, including legal compliance checks and approval by senior management. Following approval, the revised policy will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders, including department heads, contract managers, and external parties with ongoing contractual relationships with [Your Company Name]. This communication will be made through official channels, such as email notifications or updates on our company website, at least [Number of Days/Weeks] in advance of the effective date of the changes.


This Contract Renewal Policy represents a mutual understanding between [Your Company Name] and its contractors, suppliers, partners, and other contractual parties regarding the procedures and criteria for renewing contracts. By entering into a contract with [Your Company Name], all parties acknowledge and agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.

Prepared By:[Your Name]

Date:[Month, Day, Year]

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