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Marketing Vendor Evaluation Checklist

Marketing Vendor Evaluation Checklist

Vendor Information:

Vendor Name:

Contact Information:

Contact Person:

Date of Evaluation:

Vendor Performance

Product/Service Quality:

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Needs Improvement

Timeliness of Deliveries:

  • Always On Time

  • Mostly On Time

  • Occasionally Delays

  • Frequently Delays

Communication and Responsiveness:

  • Highly Responsive

  • Generally Responsive

  • Slow Response

  • Poor Communication

Vendor Reliability

Consistency in Performance:

  • Consistently High Quality

  • Mostly Consistent

  • Inconsistent

  • Highly Inconsistent

Adherence to Agreements:

  • Always Follows Agreements

  • Mostly Follows Agreements

  • Occasionally Deviates

  • Frequently Deviates

Vendor Relationship


  • Highly Professional

  • Generally Professional

  • Lacks Professionalism

  • Unprofessional

Conflict Resolution:

  • Effectively Resolves Issues

  • Handles Issues Adequately

  • Struggles with Resolutions

  • Ineffective at Resolving Issues

Vendor Cost and Value

Cost Competitiveness:

  • Very Competitive

  • Moderately Competitive

  • Somewhat Expensive

  • Overpriced

Value for Money:

  • Excellent Value

  • Good Value

  • Acceptable Value

  • Poor Value

Vendor and Feedback

Comments and Recommendations:

  • Outstanding Vendor

  • Recommend with Reservations

  • Consider Alternatives

  • Do Not Recommend

Overall Vendor Rating:

  • Highly Satisfactory

  • Satisfactory

  • Marginally Satisfactory

  • Unsatisfactory

Additional Notes: [Provide any additional comments or notes regarding the vendor's performance and your evaluation.]

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