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Product Marketing Schedule

Product Marketing Schedule


Objective: Build awareness and excitement for the launch of the new seaweed snack flavor.

Pre-launch Phase:

Weeks 1-2

Market Research:

  • Conduct a competitive analysis to identify unique selling points.

  • Analyze consumer preferences for snack flavors through surveys and social media listening.

Target Audience Identification:

  • Define and refine the target audience based on research findings.

  • Develop buyer personas for effective targeting.

Brand Messaging:

  • Craft compelling messaging highlighting the uniqueness of the new flavor.

  • Develop taglines and key selling points for consistency.

Packaging Design:

  • Collaborate with the design team to create eye-catching packaging reflecting the new flavor.

  • Ensure packaging communicates key benefits and differentiators.

Launch Phase:

Weeks 3-6

Content Creation:

  • Produce engaging content for various platforms (social media, website, emails).

  • Create teaser videos, blog posts, and visual content.

Social Media Campaign:

  • Launch a teaser campaign to build anticipation.

  • Implement countdowns, polls, and sneak peeks on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Influencer Partnerships:

  • Identify and reach out to influencers aligned with our brand.

  • Provide influencers with pre-launch samples for reviews and promotions.

Email Marketing:

  • Develop an email campaign to notify subscribers about the upcoming launch.

  • Include exclusive offers or early access for subscribers.

Public Relations:

  • Send out press releases to relevant media outlets.

  • Offer exclusive interviews or samples to food bloggers and journalists.

Launch Day:

Day 1

Social Media Blitz:

  • Coordinate a synchronized social media blast announcing the product.

  • Encourage user-generated content with a branded hashtag.

Online Store Activation:

  • Ensure the website emphasizes the new flavor.

  • Monitor and optimize the online purchase process.

Customer Support Readiness:

  • Prepare customer support teams for potential inquiries.

  • Monitor social media channels for customer feedback and respond promptly.

In-Store Activations:

  • Coordinate with retail partners for in-store promotions.

  • Provide promotional materials for displays.

Post-launch Phase:

Weeks 7-12

Feedback Collection:

  • Encourage customers to leave reviews on the website and social media.

  • Gather feedback through surveys to understand consumer sentiment.

Performance Analysis:

  • Analyze sales data, website traffic, and social media engagement.

  • Evaluate the success of marketing channels and adjust future strategies accordingly.

Customer Loyalty Program:

  • Introduce a loyalty program to reward repeat purchases.

  • Launch exclusive promotions for existing customers.

Long-term Marketing Strategy:

  • Develop a long-term marketing plan to sustain product visibility.

  • Plan periodic promotions and collaborations to keep the product fresh in consumers' minds.


Objective: Ensure the successful launch of the new seaweed snack flavor and establish a foundation for ongoing marketing efforts.

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