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Legal Contract Joint Venture Agreement



This Joint Venture Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into on [Month Day, Year] by and between:

A. Party A

[Your Company Name], a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of [State/Country], with its principal place of business located at [Your Company Address].

B. Party B

[Second Party Name], a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of [State/Country], with its principal place of business located at [Second Party Address].

Collectively, Party A and Party B will be referred to as the “Parties.”


A. Venture Formation and Name

The joint venture formed by this Agreement (the “Venture”) shall operate under the name [Venture Name], which will be a venture in the field of Real Estate. The Venture shall have its registered office at [Venture Office Address].

B. Commitment of Resources

The Parties shall commit resources and capital to the Venture. The resources and capital may include, but are not limited to, cash contributions and physical assets such as Real Estate Properties, Construction Equipment, intellectual property, or professional know-how.


A. Project Description

  1. The joint venture is created for the purpose of a specific project, namely the development of a [Project Name] (“The Project”).

  2. The Project involves the acquisition of land, design and construction of the condominium complex, and the subsequent sale of the condominium units.

  3. The Project will be carried out at [Project Location], and is expected to commence on [Start Date] and end on [End Date].

B. Mutual Benefits

  1. The Project should be mutually beneficial to both Parties.

  2. Party A, having extensive experience in real estate development, is expected to benefit from the financial investment and local market knowledge of Party B.

  3. Party B, being a major investor, is expected to benefit from the real estate development expertise of Party A.

  4. The mutual benefits are expected to foster a collaborative relationship between Party A and Party B.

C. Non-Exclusivity

  1. This venture does not establish an exclusive relationship between the Parties.

  2. Both Parties are free to engage in other business activities outside of this Venture.

  3. This non-exclusivity allows both Parties to explore other business opportunities while benefiting from this Venture.


A. Duration

The Parties will begin contributing resources and capital to the Venture as of the Effective Date. The Agreement will remain in effect until the completion of the Project, which is anticipated to be [Month Day, Year].

B. Termination

The Agreement may be terminated earlier by either Party by providing written notice in accordance with the termination provisions of this Agreement.


A. Party A’s Contributions

  1. Party A shall contribute its expertise in real estate development, its professional network, and a cash contribution of $1,000,000.

  2. Party A will also contribute physical assets such as construction equipment and intellectual property related to the Project.

B. Party B’s Contributions

Party B shall contribute its local market knowledge, its network of potential buyers, and a cash contribution of $1,000,000.

C. Adjustment of Contributions

The Parties may agree to adjust their respective contributions at any point during the term of the Venture, subject to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.


A. Equal Representation

  1. Each Party will have equal representation in the management of the Venture.

  2. This ensures that both Parties have an equal say in the Venture’s operations and strategic direction.

B. Management Committee

  1. A management committee, comprised of representatives from both Parties, will be established to oversee the Venture’s operations and strategic direction.

  2. The committee will meet on a regular basis to discuss and make decisions about the Venture’s operations.

C. Decision Making

  1. The management committee will make decisions based on a majority vote.

  2. Each Party will have an equal vote, ensuring that both Parties have an equal say in the Venture’s decisions.


A. Division of Profits and Losses

  1. Unless decided differently in the future by mutual consent between both Parties, all profits and losses of the Venture will be divided equally among the Parties.

  2. This ensures that both Parties share in the success of the Venture, as well as any risks.

B. Distribution Method and Timing

  1. The method and timing of such distributions will be determined by the management committee.

  2. This could include regular distributions, or distributions at the end of the Project or fiscal year.


A. Termination Notice

  1. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by either Party upon written notice.

  2. The notice must specify the reason for termination and the date on which termination will take effect.

B. Distribution Upon Termination

  1. Upon Termination, the assets and liabilities of the Venture will be wound up and distributed among the Parties in accordance with their respective rights under this Agreement.

  2. This includes any profits that have not yet been distributed, as well as any assets that the Venture owns.


A. Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction of [State Name].

B. Legal Recourse

Any disputes arising out of this Agreement will be resolved in the courts of [State Name]. This ensures a framework for dispute resolution to maintain the integrity of the Agreement.

X. Signatures

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. Each Party warrants that their respective signatories whose signatures appear below are duly authorized to execute this Agreement.


[Authorized Representative Name]

[Your Company Name]

Party A

Date: [Month Day, Year]


[Second Party Name]

Party B

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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