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Marketing Product Coverage Rubric

Marketing Product Coverage Rubric


Product Range Awareness

0-25 Points

26-50 Points

51-75 Points

76-100 Points



Partial Coverage: The marketing strategy covers a portion of the product range, but key products may still be neglected.

Moderate Coverage: The marketing strategy adequately covers a majority of the food company's product range.

Comprehensive Coverage: The marketing strategy effectively covers the entire product range of the food company.

Complete Coverage: The marketing strategy excels in providing comprehensive coverage of the food company's entire product range.

Target Audience Alignment

0-25 Points

26-50 Points

51-75 Points

76-100 Points



Partial Coverage: The marketing strategy covers a portion of the product range, but key products may still be neglected.

Moderate Coverage: The marketing strategy adequately covers a majority of the food company's product range.

Comprehensive Coverage: The marketing strategy effectively covers the entire product range of the food company.

Complete Coverage: The marketing strategy excels in providing comprehensive coverage of the food company's entire product range.

Multi-channel Presence

0-25 Points

26-50 Points

51-75 Points

76-100 Points



Minimal Presence: The company's presence is almost non-existent across all marketing channels.

Partial Presence: Some effort has been made to establish a presence on a few marketing channels.

Moderate Presence: A moderate number of marketing channels are utilized to reach the target audience.

Strong Presence: The company effectively utilizes a majority of relevant marketing channels.

Branding and Identity

0-25 Points

26-50 Points

51-75 Points

76-100 Points



Undefined Branding: The company lacks a clear and defined brand identity.

Limited Brand Identity: The brand identity exists but lacks depth and differentiation.

Established Brand Identity: The company has a reasonably clear and established brand identity.

Strong Brand Identity: The brand identity is well-defined, and it sets the company apart from competitors.

Content Quality and Variety

0-25 Points

26-50 Points

51-75 Points

76-100 Points



Low-Quality Content: The content is of poor quality, containing numerous errors and inaccuracies.

Basic Quality: Content quality is basic, with occasional errors or inconsistencies.

Moderate Quality: Content is of acceptable quality with occasional errors or improvements needed.

High Quality: Content is of high quality, well-researched, and free from significant errors.

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