Legal Contract Liability Waiver Form

Legal Contract Liability Waiver Form

Welcome to the [Name of Event/Activity] Liability Waiver Form. This document is designed to inform participants of potential risks and to waive liability. Please read carefully, provide accurate information, and sign to acknowledge your understanding and acceptance of the terms.

Participant Information

Full Name:

[Your Name]


[Your Address]

Phone Number:

[Your Number]

Email Address:

[Your Email]

Date of Birth:

[Month Day, Year]

Description of Event/Activity

I, the undersigned participant, acknowledge that I will be participating in the following event/activity:

Event/Activity Name:

Annual Charity 5K Fun Run


January 25, 2050


8:00 AM


Central Park, New York City

Assumption of Risk

I acknowledge that participating in the Annual Charity 5K Fun Run involves certain risks and hazards, including but not limited to:

  • Risk of slips, trips, and falls on uneven terrain.

  • Risk of collisions with other participants, spectators, or objects.

  • Risk of injury due to overexertion, dehydration, or exhaustion.

  • Risk of adverse weather conditions, including heat, cold, rain, or snow.

  • Risk of encountering wildlife or insects along the trail.

  • Risk of injury from vehicles or cyclists sharing the park's pathways.

  • Risk of allergic reactions or medical emergencies.

I voluntarily choose to participate in the Annual Charity 5K Fun Run despite these risks and hazards.

Release of Liability

In consideration for being allowed to participate in the Annual Charity 5K Fun Run, I hereby release and discharge the organizers, sponsors, volunteers, and affiliates from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury that may be sustained by me during the event.


I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the organizers, sponsors, volunteers, and affiliates from any claims, demands, or lawsuits, including legal fees, brought by third parties arising from my actions or participation in the Annual Charity 5K Fun Run.

Legal Jurisdiction and Governing Law

This waiver shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, and any legal action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this waiver shall be brought exclusively in the courts of New York County.

Signature and Date

After thoroughly reading and understanding every detail addressed in this waiver form, I am making a conscious and voluntary decision to accept and agree to its terms without any form of coercion or persuasion.

[Your Name]

[Month Day, Year]

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