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Marketing Event Outline

Marketing Event Outline

Event Overview:

  • Event Name: Tech Innovate 2050

  • Event Date: October 15-17, 2050

  • Event Time: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Location: Silicon Valley Convention Center, San Jose, California

  • Target Audience: Technology professionals, innovators, and enthusiasts

  • Event Theme: "Unlocking the Future: Tech Trends and Innovations"

Event Agenda:

[Insert Date]

Morning Session

Registration and Check-In

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Welcome Address by Sarah Johnson, CEO of Tech Innovate

9:15 AM - 10:00 AM

Keynote Presentation: "The Future of AI and Automation" by Dr. Alan Roberts

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM

Afternoon Session

Panel Discussion: "Emerging Trends in Blockchain Technology"

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Break and Networking

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Workshop: "Building Smarter Cities with IoT" by James Walker, IoT Expert

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM

Evening Session

Closing Remarks by Sarah Johnson

5:15 PM - 5:45 PM

Networking Reception and Dinner

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Speakers and Presenters:

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alan Roberts, AI and Robotics Expert

  • Panelists: Laura Chen, Mark Davis

  • Workshop Facilitator: James Walker, IoT Expert

Promotion and Marketing Plan:

  • Email Marketing: Send bi-weekly event updates and reminders to our subscriber list.

  • Social Media Promotion: Regularly post event updates on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook using #TechInnovate2050.

  • Content Marketing: Publish blog posts and articles about tech trends leading up to the event.

  • Paid Advertising: Run targeted Facebook and Google Ads with a budget of $5,000.

  • Website: [Event Website]

Registration and Ticketing:

  • Registration Opens: July 1, 2050

  • Early Bird Pricing Deadline: September 1, 2050

  • Registration Closes: October 10, 2050

  • Ticket Options:

    • Standard Pass: $199

    • VIP Pass: $299 (Includes VIP access and dinner)

Sponsorship and Partnerships:

  • Event Sponsors:

  1. Platinum Sponsor: Tech Solutions Inc.

  2. Gold Sponsor: Innovate Tech Corporation

  • Partner Organizations: Silicon Valley Innovators Association

  • Sponsorship Benefits: Various sponsorship packages with branding opportunities.

Event Materials and Collateral:

  • Banners and Signage: 10 large banners with event branding.

  • Brochures and Handouts: 2,000 brochures with event schedule and information.

  • Name Badges: Custom name badges for all attendees.

  • Promotional Items: Tech Innovate-branded USB drives and notebooks.

Logistics and Setup:

​​Venue setup is scheduled to take place on October 14, 2050, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Silicon Valley Convention Center in San Jose, California. This preparation window allows ample time for the careful arrangement of audiovisual equipment, seating arrangements, and stage setup to ensure that the event space is optimized for a smooth and engaging experience for the attendees.

In tandem with the venue setup, various event materials and collateral will be organized. This includes the placement of ten large banners featuring event branding, the distribution of 2,000 brochures containing the event schedule and pertinent information, and the creation of custom name badges for all attendees


The budget for Tech Innovate 2050 is a vital component in ensuring the smooth execution of the event. With a total event budget of $75,000, various expenses will be allocated to different facets of the event's organization. 

Security and Safety:

Ensuring the safety and security of all attendees is a paramount consideration in the planning of Tech Innovate 2050. Multiple security measures will be implemented to provide a safe environment for participants. On-site security personnel will be strategically stationed throughout the event venue, maintaining a visible presence to deter potential security issues and respond swiftly to any unforeseen incidents.

Evaluation and Metrics:

  • Success Metrics:

    • Attendance of 500+ participants

    • 100% positive feedback from post-event surveys

    • Social media engagement with 10,000+ mentions and shares

  • Data Analysis: Post-event analysis of registration data, attendee feedback, and financial results.

Follow-Up and Post-Event Activities:

  1. Follow-Up Emails: Send thank-you emails to attendees and sponsors, along with event highlights.

  2. Content Creation: Create post-event blog posts, videos, and Evaluation and Metrics:

  3. Post-Event Surveys: Send surveys to attendees to gather feedback for future events.

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