Free Marketing Pre-Event Questionnaire for Participants Template

Marketing Pre-Event Questionnaire for Participants

We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out this pre-event questionnaire. This will help us ensure that the event meets your expectations and assists us in tailoring it to your needs.

Personal Information

Full Name: Rose Taylor

Organization: XYZ Incorporated

Email Address:

Designation: Sales Representative

How did you hear about the [Your Company Name] Marketing Event 2051?

I saw it through an ad on Facebook.

What are your main objectives for attending the event?

Which specific topics in marketing are you most interested in?

Are there any specific speakers or companies you are looking forward to seeing at the event? If so, who?

How do you prefer to be notified about event updates?

Do you have any specific expectations or suggestions for this event?

Please return this questionnaire by June 15, 2051, to ensure your feedback is incorporated. Email your responses to [Your Company Email] or submit it via our event website.

Thank you for your time and insights! We look forward to seeing you at the [Your Company Name] Marketing Event 2051!

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