Nursing Home Shower Schedule

Nursing Home Shower Schedule

Prepared By: [YOUR NAME]

The following schedule has been carefully devised to accommodate individual preferences and optimize the bathing routine for all residents. This approach promotes a more comfortable and streamlined experience for everyone. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to the new schedule.


Resident Name

Time Slot

Assigned Nurse


Mr. Smith

8:00 AM

Nurse John


Ms. Thompson

8:30 AM

Nurse Jane


Mr. Johnson

9:00 AM

Nurse John


Ms. Sullivan

9:30 AM

Nurse Jane


Mr. Davis

10:00 AM

Nurse Amy Patel


Ms. Martin

10:30 AM

Nurse Peter


Mr. Gonzales

11:00 AM

Nurse Amy Patel


  • Please inform the nursing staff if there are specific time preferences or considerations for residents that need to be taken into account.

  • Residents or their representatives can submit rescheduling requests to the nursing home administration. Every effort will be made to accommodate reasonable requests.

  • Nursing staff will be available to assist residents as needed during shower times. If additional assistance is required, please communicate this in advance.

  • The schedule is designed to be flexible. In case of unforeseen circumstances or emergencies, adjustments may be made. Residents will be notified promptly in such cases.

Schedule Templates @