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Marketing Trade Show Promotional Schedule.

Marketing Trade Show Promotional Schedule

Event Name: Marketing Expo 2052

Date of Event: October 20-22, 2052

Location: Newtown Center

Booth Number: Booth #4

Company: [Your Company Name]

The objective of this promotional schedule is to create awareness, generate interest, and drive attendance to our booth at the Marketing Expo 2052. By strategically planning and executing promotional activities, we aim to maximize our impact and ROI at the event.

Pre-Event Promotions

3 Months Before the Event  (July - September)


Website Update 

Ensure the company website has a dedicated Marketing Expo 2052 page with event details, booth location, and a countdown timer.


Email Newsletter Campaign (Monthly)

Send monthly email newsletters to our subscriber list, featuring sneak peeks of what attendees can expect at our booth.

2 Weeks Before the Event (August - September)


Social Media Teasers (Bi-Weekly)

  • Share teaser posts on social media platforms with event-related hashtags and countdowns.

  • Post short videos or infographics highlighting key attractions at our booth.

  • Send personalized invitations to our existing clients and industry partners, encouraging them to visit our booth.

1 Month Before the Event (September - October)


Email Blast (Early October)

Send an email blast to the entire subscriber list with a formal invitation to visit our booth, emphasizing exclusive offers and demos.

Social Media Campaign (Weekly):

Launch a dedicated social media campaign in the weeks leading up to the event, showcasing booth preparations, team introductions, and behind-the-scenes content.

On-Site Promotions

During the Event (October 20-22)


Live Social Media Updates

Assign team members to provide real-time updates on social media platforms, including photos, videos, and live streams from the event.

Booth Activities and Demonstrations

Schedule live product demonstrations, expert presentations, and interactive activities at our booth. Encourage attendees to participate and share their experiences on social media.

Engage with Event Hashtags

Monitor and actively engage with event-specific hashtags to increase our booth's visibility and join relevant conversations.

After the Event (Late October - November)


Thank-You Email (Post-Event)

Send a personalized thank-you email to everyone who visited our booth, including a recap of what they experienced and any follow-up actions.

Social Media Recap

Share a comprehensive event recap on social media platforms, showcasing our booth's success, attendee feedback, and highlights.

Blog Post (Early November)

Publish a blog post summarizing the event, our key takeaways, and insights gained from attending.

Evaluation and Analysis

  • Metrics Tracking: Continuously monitor engagement metrics such as booth traffic, lead generation, social media reach, and website visits.

  • Feedback Collection: Gather feedback from booth visitors and team members to assess the effectiveness of our promotional efforts.

  • ROI Assessment: Evaluate the return on investment by comparing the costs of promotional activities with the benefits, including lead generation and brand exposure.

This schedule is a comprehensive plan designed to create anticipation, drive attendance, and maximize our impact at the Marketing Expo 2052. By executing these activities strategically, we aim to achieve our objectives and ensure a successful and productive presence at the event.

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