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Marketing Event Risk Management Plan

Marketing Event Risk Management Plan


Welcome to the Marketing Event Risk Management Plan for [Your Company Name]. This document is designed to help you identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with your upcoming marketing event. By following this plan, you will enhance the chances of a successful event while minimizing potential disruptions.

Event Overview

In this section, we will delve into the comprehensive overview of your marketing event, encompassing its objectives, target audience, and expected outcomes.

Event Details

Event Name:

Grand Product Launch - X1

Event Date:

November 20, 2050

Event Location:

Metropolitan Convention Center, New York City

Event Objectives:

  • Showcase our latest product, the X1

  • Generate excitement and buzz among tech enthusiasts

  • Secure 500 pre-orders for the X1 within one month post-event


The primary objectives of the Grand Product Launch - X1 are to introduce our groundbreaking product, the X1, to the market. We aim to create awareness, generate anticipation, and ultimately secure 500 pre-orders within one month of the event.

Target Audience

Our target audience includes tech enthusiasts, early adopters, and industry influencers interested in innovative technology products.

Expected Outcomes

We anticipate the following outcomes:

  • 1,000 event attendees

  • 500 pre-orders secured within a month

  • Extensive media coverage and positive reviews

Risk Identification:

In this section, we will systematically identify and categorize potential risks associated with your marketing event. These risks can encompass logistical challenges, financial uncertainties, potential damage to your brand's reputation, legal compliance issues, and more.

Identified Risks

Risk 1: 

Technical Glitches


Unforeseen technical issues during the product demonstration.





Responsible Party:

IT Team

Mitigation Plan:

Ensure thorough technical rehearsals and have backup equipment ready.

A. Risk 1 - Detailed Description

Technical glitches may occur due to software or hardware failures during the live product demonstration. These issues could disrupt the event and negatively impact our brand image.

  • Likelihood and Impact Assessment: The likelihood of technical glitches is assessed as medium since despite thorough testing, unexpected issues can arise. However, the impact is high because any disruptions during the product launch can result in negative press and lost sales opportunities.

  • Responsible Party: The IT Team will be responsible for monitoring and addressing technical issues.

  • Mitigation Plan for Risk 1: To mitigate this risk, we will conduct thorough technical rehearsals in the event space. Additionally, we will have backup equipment on hand, and the IT Team will be on standby to resolve any issues promptly.

Risk 2: 

Low Attendance


Insufficient audience turnout.





Responsible Party:

Marketing Team

Mitigation Plan:

Aggressively promote the event through various channels and offer early bird incentives.

B. Risk 2 - Detailed Description

Low attendance can undermine the success of the event by limiting the exposure of our new product to potential customers.

  • Likelihood and Impact Assessment: The likelihood of low attendance is assessed as medium, given our marketing efforts. The impact is considered medium as it may affect our ability to generate interest and pre-orders.

  • Responsible Party: The Marketing Team is responsible for promoting the event and attracting attendees.

  • Mitigation Plan for Risk 2: To mitigate the risk of low attendance, we will aggressively promote the event through social media, email campaigns, and partnerships with tech blogs. Early bird incentives will be offered to encourage registrations.

Risk Assessment:

In this section, we will assign a likelihood and impact rating to each identified risk. This assessment is vital for prioritizing risks based on their potential severity.

Risk Assessment Table





Technical Glitches (Risk 1)




Low Attendance (Risk 2)




Explanation of Risk Assessment

  • Technical Glitches (Risk 1): This risk has a medium likelihood of occurring, but its impact is high, making it a high-priority concern. Mitigation efforts should focus on ensuring a smooth technical execution during the event.

  • Low Attendance (Risk 2): While there's a medium likelihood of this risk materializing, its impact is considered medium as well. It's crucial to address this risk to maximize the event's success, but it's of moderate priority compared to the technical glitches.

Risk Mitigation:

In this section, we will outline specific actions and strategies to reduce or eliminate each identified risk. Responsible parties will be assigned, and timelines and deadlines will be specified.

Risk Mitigation Plan

Risk 1:

Technical Glitches

Responsible Party:

IT Team

Mitigation Action 1:

Conduct thorough technical rehearsals


2 weeks before the event


November 5, 2050

Risk 2:

Low Attendance

Responsible Party:

Marketing Team

Mitigation Action 1:

Launch aggressive social media campaigns


Starting immediately


Ongoing until event date

Contingency Planning:

In this section, we will describe contingency plans for high-impact and high-likelihood risks that cannot be entirely mitigated.

Contingency Plan:

A. Risk 1: Technical Glitches

Description: In the event of technical glitches during the live demonstration, we will have a pre-recorded video presentation as a backup.

Responsible Party: IT Team

Action Steps:

  • Immediately switch to the pre-recorded video if glitches occur.

  • Notify the audience about the change.

  • Address technical issues during the event's break.

Communication Plan: The Marketing Team will prepare scripted announcements to communicate the switch to the pre-recorded video and reassure the audience.

B. Risk 2: Low Attendance

Description: If attendance is lower than expected, we will offer exclusive online access to the event for a limited time to reach a wider audience.

Responsible Party: Marketing Team

Action Steps:

  • Promote the online access option on social media and email.

  • Provide a recording of the event for those who missed it.

  • Extend early bird incentives for online registrants.

Communication Plan: The Marketing Team will create and execute a communication strategy to inform potential attendees about the online access option and incentives.

Monitoring and Reporting:

In this section, we will explain how the event's progress will be monitored for potential risks. We will define reporting mechanisms to track risk status and communicate updates to stakeholders.

Monitoring and Reporting Plan:

  • Frequency of Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of technical aspects during the event, weekly progress reviews for marketing efforts.

  • Reporting Mechanism: Real-time alerts for technical issues, weekly progress reports for marketing.

  • Responsible Party: IT Team for technical monitoring, Marketing Team for marketing progress.

Communication Plan:

In this section, we outline how and when communication about risks and their mitigation will be shared with stakeholders, both internally and externally.

Internal Communication

We will maintain open and regular communication within our internal teams using a dedicated Slack channel. Weekly meetings will be held to discuss the progress of risk mitigation actions and address any emerging concerns.

External Communication

For external communication, we will use a multi-channel approach:

  • Pre-event: A series of teaser posts on our social media platforms will create excitement and anticipation. An email campaign will be launched to registered attendees, highlighting the event's benefits.

  • During the event: Real-time updates, including live tweets and behind-the-scenes content, will be shared on our social media channels. We will also provide a contact email for attendees to report any issues or ask questions.

  • Post-event: A comprehensive event summary will be posted on our website, along with a feedback form. Attendees and interested parties will be informed of the event's success, achievements, and follow-up actions.

Budget and Resources:

Specify the financial resources allocated for risk management activities.

Total Budget for Risk Management:


Technical Rehearsals:


Marketing Campaigns:


Contingency Resources:


Monitoring Tools and Services:


Review and Evaluation

In this section, we define when and how the risk management plan will be reviewed and updated during the course of the event planning and execution.

Review Dates

  • Weekly risk management meetings leading up to the event to assess progress.

  • Immediate post-event evaluation to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

  • Monthly follow-up reviews for three months post-event to analyze long-term impacts.

Update Process

  • Any identified risks during the event will be addressed in real-time.

  • After the event, a comprehensive review will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans.

  • Updates to the risk management plan will be made as necessary, incorporating lessons learned and best practices for future events.

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