Potty Training Schedule

Potty Training Schedule

Potty training is a crucial milestone in a child's development, marking the transition from diapers to using the toilet independently. A Potty Training Schedule is a structured plan designed to help parents and caregivers guide their child through this learning process. It typically includes set times for bathroom breaks, encouragement for successful attempts, and positive reinforcement.

Prepared by:[Your Name]




7:00 AM

Wake Up

Take to the potty immediately

7:30 AM


The potty break after breakfast

9:00 AM


Timer set for every 45 minutes, potty break

12:00 PM


Potty break after lunch

2:00 PM


Timer set for every 45 minutes, potty break

4:30 PM

Snack Time

Potty break before snack

6:00 PM


Potty break before or after dinner

7:30 PM

Bath Time

Potty break during the bedtime routine

8:00 PM


Final potty break before bed

Remark: Consistency is key in potty training. Please reinforce the bathroom routine at home during evenings and weekends. Communicate openly about your child's progress and any concerns. This schedule is designed to provide structure while allowing flexibility for individual needs.

Schedule Templates @ Template.net