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Marketing Event Day Emergency Procedure Outline

Marketing Event Day Emergency Procedure Outline

I. Introduction:

A. Purpose

Ensure the safety and well-being of all participants during the Halloween Costume Party on October 30, 2050, hosted at Chivalry's Place, 1747 Main Street, Seattle, WA 98161.

B. Scope

  • The emergency procedures outlined here cover potential scenarios that may arise during the event.

II. Emergency Contacts:

A. Event Organizers

  • [Your Name]

  • Phone: [Your Company Number]

  • Email: [Your Company Email]

B. Venue Contacts

  • Chivalry's Place Management

  • Phone: 222 444 6666

  • On-site Contact: Mariah Smith

  • Emergency Evacuation Site: Chivalry’s Place Parking Lot

III. Emergency Evacuation Plan:

A. Primary Exit Routes

  1. Main Entrance: Entrance of Chivalry’s Place

  2. Emergency Exit Doors: N/A since the event is outdoors

B. Assembly Point

  • Designated area outside Chivalry's Place: Entrance of the shopping strip

C. Evacuation Procedures

  •  Remain calm and proceed to the nearest exit.

  •  Follow the instructions of event staff and venue security.

  •  Assemble at the designated area for further instructions.

D. Evacuation Responsibilities

Event organizers will coordinate with venue staff to ensure a safe and orderly evacuation.

IV. Medical Emergencies:

A. First Aid Stations

  •  Located at the Entrance of the Venue

B. Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

  • Dial 911 immediately for medical emergencies.

C. Event Medical Personnel

  • Janet Sanders, On-site Nurse 222 444 6666

V. Security Issues:

A. Suspicious Activity

  1. Instruct staff to report any suspicious behavior to security.

  2. Coordinate with venue security to address and investigate concerns.

B. Lost and Found

  • Establish a central location for lost and found items.

  • Assign staff to manage lost and found inquiries.

VI. Communication Plan:

A. Emergency Announcements

  • Use the event's public address system for emergency announcements.

  • Communicate evacuation instructions and other critical information.

B. Internal Communication

  • Utilize radio communication among event staff for real-time coordination.

  • Establish a communication hub for organizers and key personnel.

VII. Post-Emergency Debrief:

  1. After the event, conduct a debrief session to review emergency response effectiveness.

  2. Document lessons learned and areas for improvement.

  3. Update emergency procedures for future events based on the debrief findings.

VIII. Conclusion:

By following these emergency procedures, we aim to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all attendees during the Halloween Costume Party on October 30, 2050, at Chivalry's Place. Event staff, venue management, and attendees should familiarize themselves with these procedures to facilitate a swift and effective response in case of an emergency.

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