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Housework List

Housework List

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

This Housework List Template provides a structured and organized way to plan and manage various household chores and tasks. It helps in effective time management, ensures consistency in household chores, and serves as a clear communication tool in homes where multiple people share the responsibility for housework.

Housework List

Area of House


Assigned to

Time Allocated


Clean countertops, wash dishes

John Smith

30 mins


Clean shower, mop floor

Michael Johnson

45 mins

Living Room

Vacuum carpet, dust furniture

John Smith

30 mins


Change bed sheets, dust furniture

Michael Johnson

20 mins


Organize tools, sweep floor

John Smith

30 mins


Mow lawn, trim hedges

Michael Johnson

1 hr


Vacuum carpet, mop floor

John Smith

20 mins

Dining Room

Wipe down table, dust furniture

Michael Johnson

15 mins

Laundry Room

Wash and fold clothes

John Smith

1 hr


Organize desk, dust furniture

Michael Johnson

20 mins

Additional Reminders

  • Ensure all cleaning supplies are restocked after use

  • Rotate tasks between individuals to ensure fairness and variety

  • Perform deep cleaning tasks, such as carpet cleaning, on a monthly basis

  • Keep communication open and flexible for any changes or additions to the list

  • Check off tasks as they are finished for a sense of accomplishment and clarity

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