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Marketing Crisis Response Resolution

Marketing Crisis Response Resolution


The Marketing Crisis Response Resolution Document is designed to provide a structured approach for addressing and resolving marketing crises that may arise during marketing campaigns or events. It outlines the steps, responsibilities, and procedures to be followed when responding to unforeseen crises to protect the reputation and interests of our organization.

Crisis Response Levels






An issue or incident has been identified that may impact the event or marketing campaign.

Any employee/department involved in the level one crisis.

  • Notify the Crisis Management Team.

  • Gather information and assess the situation.

  • Initiate preliminary communication with relevant stakeholders.

  • Begin documenting all actions taken and communications


The crisis has escalated, requiring a comprehensive assessment and response.

Crisis Management Team

  • Conduct a thorough assessment of the crisis, its impact, and potential consequences.

  • Develop a clear understanding of affected parties and stakeholders.

  • Establish a Crisis Response Center or team, if necessary.

  • Communicate with key event or campaign stakeholders.

  • Determine the need for external support (e.g., legal, PR, crisis management experts).


The crisis resolution phase focuses on addressing the issue and mitigating its impact.

Crisis Management Team

  • Develop a crisis resolution strategy and plan.

  • Execute the crisis resolution plan, addressing the issue and mitigating the impact.

  • Monitor and adjust the plan as necessary.

  • Communicate regularly with affected parties, stakeholders, and the public as appropriate.

  • Continue to document all actions taken and communications.


The crisis has been resolved, and it is essential to review and learn from the experience.

Crisis Management Team

  • Conduct a post-crisis review to analyze the event, responses, and outcomes.

  • Identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in the response.

  • Create a post-crisis report with findings and recommendations.

  • Implement recommended changes and improvements.

  • Communicate the outcomes and lessons learned to the organization.

Crisis Communications

In the event of a marketing crisis, communication is essential to maintain transparency and manage public perception. A designated spokesperson or communications team will handle all external communications and address the media, affected parties, and the public as necessary.


The Marketing Crisis Response Resolution Document serves as a critical tool to guide our response to marketing crises. By following the prescribed response levels and procedures, we aim to address crises swiftly and effectively to minimize their impact and protect our brand and reputation.

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