Free Marketing Feedback Questionnaire Template



Free Marketing Feedback Questionnaire Template

Marketing Feedback Questionnaire

We value your feedback and strive to improve our services. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts with us. Your responses will remain confidential.



  • Under 18

  • 18-24

  • 25-34

  • 45-54

  • 55 and over


  • Male

  • Female

  • Non-binary

  • Prefer not to say


How often do you shop for clothing in a month?

  • Once a month

  • 2-3 times a month

  • Weekly

  • Rarely

  • Never

Other (please specify):                               

How did you first hear about [Your Company Name]?

  • Social media

  • Friends or family

  • Online advertising

  • In-store display

Other (please specify):

How often do you visit the [Your Company Name] website or social media pages?

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Rarely

  • Never

Which of our clothing products have you purchased recently? (Check all that apply)

  • Dresses

  • Tops

  • Bottoms

  • Outerwear

  • Accessories

Other (please specify):                               

On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the quality of [Your Company Name] products?

  • Very Dissatisfied

  • Dissatisfied

  • Neutral

  • Satisfied

  • Very Satisfied

What factors influenced your decision to purchase from [Your Company Name]? (Check all that apply)

  • Price

  • Style

  • Quality

  • Brand Reputation

  • Recommendations:                               

Other (please specify):                               

Thank you for taking the time to complete our Marketing Feedback Questionnaire. Your feedback is essential to us as we strive to enhance our brand and serve you better. Your opinions are greatly appreciated, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with exceptional fashion experiences.

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