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Marketing Coverage Analysis Survey

Marketing Coverage Analysis Survey 

Dear valued respondent, your feedback is crucial to help us enhance our marketing efforts. Please take a few moments to complete this survey. Your responses will remain confidential.



[Your Name]



  • Male

  • Female

  • Prefer Not To Say



Brand Awareness

Have you heard of our brand? 

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, how did you first learn about us? 

  • Social Media

  • Word of Mouth

  • Online Research

  • Others (Please specify):                               

Marketing Channels

Where have you encountered our marketing materials? (Check all that apply)

  • Social Media

  • Email Campaigns

  • Website

  • Print Media

  • Television

  • Radio

  • Other (Please specify):                               

Frequency of Engagement

How often do you interact with our marketing content? 

  • Rarely

  • Occasionally

  • Often

  • Very Often

Which specific marketing content or campaigns do you recall most? 



How effective do you find our marketing efforts in conveying our message and offerings? 

  • Very Effective

  • Effective

  • Neutral

  • Ineffective

  • Very Ineffective

What improvements would you suggest to enhance our marketing coverage? 


Additional Comments

Do you have any additional comments or feedback related to our marketing strategies and coverage? 


Thank you for participating in our Marketing Coverage Analysis Survey. Your insights are highly valuable to us in refining our marketing strategies.

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