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Marketing Media Deal SLA

Marketing Media Deal SLA

Effective Date: [Month, Day, Year]

[Your Company Name], with its principal place of business at [Your Company Address], hereinafter referred to as "Company”, and [Partner Name], with its principal place of business at [Partner Address], hereinafter referred to as "Media Partner."

I. Purpose

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) outlines the terms and conditions governing the marketing media partnership between the Company and Media Partner.

II. Scope

a. Partnership Details

The Company and Media Partner agree to collaborate on a media campaign titled "[Campaign Name]" with a duration from "[Month, Day, Year]" to "[Month, Day, Year]." The objective of this campaign is to increase brand visibility and drive sales.

b. Services Provided

The Media Partner agrees to provide the following services: media planning, ad placements, content creation, and performance tracking.

c. Payment Terms

The Company shall pay the Media Partner a total of [Total Amount] for the services rendered. Payment shall be made in accordance with the agreed-upon terms. Late payment may result in additional fees and suspension of services.

III. Responsibilities

a. Company's Responsibilities

The Company’s responsibilities include providing necessary information and materials to the Media Partner, promptly approving content, creative assets, and media placements, and ensuring timely payment.

b. Media Partner's Responsibilities

The Media Partner's responsibilities include executing the media campaign as per the agreed scope, delivering content and creative assets in a timely manner, and providing regular progress reports to the Company.

IV. Performance Metrics

a. The success of this partnership will be measured based on the following KPIs: impressions, click-through rates, conversions, and ROI.

b. The Media Partner shall provide detailed reports on a monthly basis. Reports shall include KPIs, performance analysis, and recommendations for optimization.

V. Termination

a. Either party may terminate this agreement with [Number of Days] written notice.

b. If either party breaches this SLA, the non-breaching party may terminate the agreement immediately.

VI. Confidentiality

a. Both parties agree to keep all non-public information confidential. This includes, but is not limited to, any proprietary data, trade secrets, marketing strategies, customer lists, financial information, and any other information that is not publicly available.

b. The Company and Media Partner shall undertake to not disclose any confidential information to any third party, including employees, contractors, or affiliates, without the express written consent of the disclosing party.

VII. Intellectual Property

a. All intellectual property created during the course of this partnership, including but not limited to logos, creative content, advertisements, and designs, shall remain the exclusive property of the creating party, whether it be the Company or the Media Partner.

b. The creating party grants the other party a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the intellectual property solely for the purposes outlined in this SLA.

c. Neither party shall use the other party's intellectual property in a manner that implies endorsement, affiliation, or association without explicit written consent. 

VIII. Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [State], and any disputes or legal actions arising from or related to this SLA shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located within the State of California.

IX. Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute arising out of or in connection with this SLA, the parties shall make a good-faith effort to resolve it through mediation conducted by a neutral mediator mutually agreed upon. If mediation fails to resolve the dispute within [Specify Time Frame, e.g., 30 days] from the initiation of mediation, either party may pursue legal action in accordance with the applicable jurisdiction and venue specified in the Governing Law section. Both parties shall bear their respective costs associated with mediation and any subsequent legal proceedings, including attorney fees, unless otherwise determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

X. Miscellaneous

a. Entire Agreement

This SLA represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings.

b. Amendment

Any amendments or modifications to this SLA must be made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties. No oral agreements or understandings shall be considered valid for amending the terms of this SLA.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Marketing Media Deal SLA as of the Effective Date.

[Your Name]

[Month, Day, Year]

[Partner Representative Name]

[Month, Day, Year]

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