Free Detectives Suspect List Template



Free Detectives Suspect List Template

Detectives Suspect List





This Comprehensive Detective's Suspect List serves as an imperative tool for structured and organized investigations. Relevant details of suspects, physical and digital evidence, along with the witness statements, are stored systematically for easy retrieval and making connections. This detailed document aids in the investigation process by providing a record of all crucial aspects related to the case.

List of Suspects and Related Details

Suspect Name

Physical Description

Known Associates

Alibi for Time of Crime

Alex Turner

Age: 30, Height: 5'11", Weight: 165 lbs, Hair Color: Dark Brown, Eye Color: Blue, Distinguishing Features: Sleeve tattoo on left arm

Jamie Ford, Casey Neill

At a local restaurant, confirmed by CCTV footage.

Brooke Madison

Age: 27, Height: 5'6", Weight: 130 lbs, Hair Color: Blonde, Eye Color: Green, Distinguishing Features: Scar on right cheek

Sam Tyler, Dana Klein

At a friend's birthday party, multiple witnesses.

Charlie Gomez

Age: 35, Height: 6'2", Weight: 190 lbs, Hair Color: Black, Eye Color: Brown, Distinguishing Features: Tattoo of a phoenix on right forearm

Leslie Moran, Erin Wu

Working night shift at the factory, confirmed by timecards and coworkers.

Evidence Collected

Type of Evidence

Location Found

Relevance to Case

CCTV Footage

Downtown alleyway

Captured a figure matching suspect's description near crime scene.


Victim's car

Matches suspect, indicating suspect was in the victim's car.

Cell Phone Records

Suspect's phone provider

Shows calls between the suspect and the victim before the disappearance.

Eyewitness Testimony

Near crime scene

Witness claims to have seen the suspect in the area at the time of the crime.

Written Note

Suspect's home

Note suggesting motive related to a dispute with the victim.

Witness Statements

Witness Name

Statement Summary

Relation to Case

Emily Carter

Saw a person matching the suspect's description fleeing the scene shortly after hearing a loud noise.

Eyewitness near the crime scene.

Michael Rodriguez

Overheard a heated argument between the suspect and the victim two days before the disappearance.

Acquaintance of both the suspect and the victim.

Lisa Wong

Noticed the suspect's car parked in an unusual location close to the crime scene on the night of the incident.

Lives in the vicinity of the crime scene.

Derek Smith

Received a text from the suspect appearing to be in a distressed state the night of the crime.

Close friend of the suspect.

Anna Johnson

Found an item belonging to the victim near her home, which is on the route between the suspect's and victim's houses.

Unrelated bystander who found potential evidence.


  • Ensure all suspect details, evidence, and witness statements are accurately documented.

  • Keep the template updated as new information surfaces or existing details change in the course of the investigation.

  • Be thorough in providing descriptions of evidence and its potential relevance to the case.

  • The documentation should be comprehensive to provide a clear overview of the status of the investigation at any given point.

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