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Marketing Story Angle Questionnaire

Marketing Story Angle Questionnaire

Unlock Your Brand's Compelling Narrative

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will help us uncover unique angles for your brand's storytelling. Please provide as much detail as possible to create captivating marketing narratives.

1. Brand Information:

Brand Name:


2. Target Audience:

  1. Describe your ideal customer profile.

  2. What are their demographics? [Age, Gender, Location, etc.]

  3. What are their pain points and desires?

3. Brand Values:

  1. What core values define your brand?

  2. How do these values align with your audience's values?

4. Brand History and Milestones:

  1. Share key moments in your brand's history.

  2. Any significant achievements or milestones? [e.g., Anniversaries, Awards]

5. Products/Services:

  1. Describe your main products or services.

  2. What problems do they solve for your customers?

  3. Highlight any new or upcoming offerings.

6. Competitor Analysis:

  1. List your main competitors.

  2. What sets you apart from your competitors?

  3. How do you compare in terms of pricing, quality, and innovation?

7. Customer Success Stories:

  1. Share any inspiring customer success stories.

  2. How did your product/service positively impact their lives?

8. Industry Trends:

  1. What are the current trends in your industry?

  2. How does your brand align with or capitalize on these trends?

9. Brand Voice and Tone:

  1. Describe your brand's voice and tone.

  2. Is it formal, casual, humorous, or authoritative?

10. Key Messages:

  1. List three key messages you want to convey through your marketing.

  2. How do these messages resonate with your audience?

11. Unique Content Ideas:

  1. Are there any unique events, anniversaries, or collaborations coming up?

  2. Can you tie any of these into your brand's story?

12. Emotional Triggers:

  1. What emotions do you want your marketing to evoke in your audience?

  2. How can your brand's story trigger these emotions?

13. Success Metrics:

  1. What KPIs do you use to measure the success of your storytelling?

  2. How will you know if your narrative is resonating with your audience?

14. Marketing Channels:

  1. Which marketing channels do you use or plan to use for your storytelling? [Social media, blog, email marketing, etc.]

15. Additional Comments:

  1. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your brand or marketing goals?

Thank you for completing the Marketing Story Angle Questionnaire. Your insights will guide us in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with your audience and drive your brand's success. We look forward to collaborating with you on your storytelling journey.

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