Free Legal Client Consent Form Template



Free Legal Client Consent Form Template

Legal Client Consent Form

Please read each section carefully and provide your consent where necessary by initialing beside each statement. Your understanding and agreement are crucial for us to proceed with our legal services effectively. If you have any questions or require clarification on any part of this document, do not hesitate to contact [Your Company Email] or call [Your Company Number].

1. Personal Information

In this section, we collect essential personal information to ensure we can identify you properly and communicate with you effectively regarding your case. Providing accurate information is crucial for the success of our legal services.

Client Name:

[Your Client Name]

Client Address:

[Your Client Address]

Client Email:

[Your Client / Subscriber / User Email]

Client Phone Number:

[Your Client Number]

Preferred Communication Method:

(Email/Phone/Other) ________

2. Legal Service Agreement

This agreement outlines the scope of legal services [Your Company Name] will provide. Understanding the nature and limitations of the services offered is essential for setting realistic expectations and achieving a successful outcome.

Service Aspect


Description of Services:

Representation in civil litigation

Scope Limitation:

Duration of Services:

3. Confidentiality Agreement

We prioritize the privacy and security of your personal information and legal matters. This section ensures that all information shared during our engagement is kept confidential, except as required by law or with your explicit consent.

Confidentiality Aspect

Agreement Details

Confidentiality Commitment:

[Your Company Name] agrees to keep all client information confidential.

Client Consent to Share Information:

4. Financial Agreement

Understanding the financial obligations associated with legal services is critical. This section details the payment terms, including fees, billing procedures, and payment schedules, to ensure transparency and avoid any misunderstandings.

Financial Aspect


Legal Fees:

$250 per hour, billed monthly

Billing and Payment Schedule:

Cancellation and Refund Policy:

5. Consent to Legal Representation

By signing this form, you authorize [Your Company Name] to represent you in legal matters as described in this consent form. This final acknowledgment confirms your understanding and agreement to all terms outlined in the previous sections.

Client Confirmation:

I, [Your Client Name], confirm that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms outlined in this Legal Client Consent Form. I acknowledge that this consent is given freely and voluntarily for the purpose of engaging [Your Company Name] for legal services as described.



Client Name:

[Your Client Name]

Client Signature:


Job Title (if applicable):

[Job Title]

Legal Advisor Confirmation:

We, [Your Company Name], acknowledge the receipt of this consent form and confirm our commitment to providing the agreed-upon legal services within the terms of this agreement.



Legal Advisor Name:

[Your Name]

Legal Advisor Signature:

[Your Signature]

Job Title:

[Your Job Title]

This comprehensive Legal Client Consent Form ensures that all parties are informed and agreeable to the terms of engagement, thereby facilitating a transparent and effective legal service process.

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