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Marketing Cost Per Acquisition Statement

Marketing Cost Per Acquisition Statement 

For the Month Ended: [Month Day, Year]

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Company: [Your Company Name]

I. Executive Summary

The Marketing CPA Statement provides a comprehensive overview of the cost associated with acquiring customers during the specified time period. It helps assess the effectiveness and efficiency of our marketing efforts in generating new business.

II. Key Metrics

Total Marketing Spend: $000,000 (Total expenditure on marketing activities)

Total Acquisitions: 000 (Total number of new customers acquired)

Total Marketing Channels: PPC, Social Media, Email Marketing, Content Marketing

Average CPA: $0,000 (Average cost per acquisition)

III. Cost Breakdown by Marketing Channel


Total Spend







Social Media

Email Marketing

Content Marketing






IV. Performance Insights


Our PPC campaigns showed a relatively high CPA, and we should consider optimizing our ad targeting for a better ROI.

Social Media: 

Social media has been effective with a CPA in line with our target. Continue focusing on this channel.

Email Marketing: 

Email marketing has the lowest CPA and should be further expanded.

Content Marketing: 

While content marketing generated leads, the CPA is high; we need to refine our content strategy.


Miscellaneous activities performed as planned but with a slightly higher CPA; evaluate their worth in future campaigns.

V. Recommendations and Action Plan

  • Allocate more budget to Email Marketing due to its low CPA.

  • Optimize PPC campaigns for a lower CPA.

  • Refine content marketing strategies to improve cost-efficiency.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of miscellaneous activities and make adjustments accordingly.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, our marketing efforts in [Month Year] resulted in the acquisition of 000 new customers at an average CPA of $0,000. To enhance our marketing efficiency and effectiveness, we recommend reallocating budgets, optimizing underperforming channels, and refining content strategies.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Month Day, Year]

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