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Marketing Re-engagement Questionnaire

Marketing Re-engagement Questionnaire

Dear [Your Name],

Thank you for your previous interest in [Your Company Name]. We value your engagement with our brand and are eager to enhance your experience. Please take a few moments to help us better understand your preferences and needs. Your feedback is invaluable to us.

Contact Information:


[Your Name]

Email Address:

[Your Email]

Phone Number:

[Your Company Number]

1. Reason for Lapse

Please tell us what led to your recent inactivity with our brand.


2. Product/Service Feedback

If you have used our products or services, we'd like to hear about your experience. Were there any challenges you encountered?


3. Preferences and Interests

a. What type of products/services are you most interested in from us?


b. How often would you like to receive updates from us?

  •  Weekly

  •  Monthly

  •  Occasionally

4. Incentives or Offers

Are there specific incentives or offers that would encourage you to re-engage with us? Please share your preferences.


5. Communication Channel

How would you prefer to be contacted by us?

  •  Email

  •  SMS

  •  Phone call

6. Timing

Do you have a preferred time or day when you're more likely to respond or take action?


7. Feedback on Previous Communications

If you have received communication from us in the past, we'd love to hear your feedback. Was there something you particularly liked or disliked about our previous messages?


8. Open-Ended Feedback

Is there anything else you'd like to share or any suggestions you have for us to improve your experience with [Your Company Name]?


9. Permission to Re-engage

May we reach out to you with personalized offers and updates based on your preferences?

  •  Yes

  •  No

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your feedback will help us serve you better. Expect a follow-up communication from us based on your responses.

Privacy and Data Usage Statement: We respect your privacy and will use your data in accordance with our privacy policy. Your information will not be shared with third parties.

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