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Marketing Affiliate Program Checklist


Prepared By: [Your Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Job Title: Marketing Specialist

Department: Marketing

Affiliate Recruitment and Onboarding

Develop a strategy to attract and recruit potential affiliates.

Create an affiliate application process and a review/approval system.

Provide resources and training to onboard new affiliates effectively.

Tracking and Reporting

Set up an affiliate tracking system to monitor clicks and conversions.

Choose affiliate management software or a network for tracking.

Establish a commission payment schedule and payment methods.

Compliance and Quality Control

Ensure that your program complies with relevant laws 

Monitor affiliates to ensure they adhere to your program's rules.

Implement fraud prevention measures to prevent click fraud.

Affiliate Communication

Create channels for regular communication with affiliates

Provide updates, promotional materials, and important program

Offer a means for affiliates to reach out with questions or concerns.

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