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Administration Staff Workstation Ergonomics Assessment

Administration Staff Workstation Ergonomics Assessment

This assessment provides an evaluation of the current state of staff workstation ergonomics at [Your Company Name]. The assessment aims to identify potential areas for improvement to ensure a safe, comfortable, and productive working environment for all employees.


The assessment was conducted through a combination of direct observations, employee surveys, and analysis of workplace injury reports from the past year. Workstations were evaluated based on ergonomic standards that consider factors such as desk height, chair comfort, monitor placement, keyboard and mouse positioning, and lighting.


The findings are summarized in the following tables, which highlight key ergonomic metrics and their compliance with recommended standards.

Workstation Ergonomic Compliance:

Ergonomic Feature



Desk Height

28-30 inches


Reported Discomfort and Injuries:

Body Part Affected

Reporting Discomfort

Injury Reports





Based on the assessment, the following recommendations are proposed to improve workstation ergonomics at [Your Company Name]:

  1. Desk and Chair Adjustments: Procure adjustable desks and chairs to accommodate diverse employee heights and body types, ensuring compliance with ergonomic standards.

  2. Monitor and Keyboard Positioning: Implement guidelines for the correct positioning of monitors and keyboards. Provide adjustable stands and keyboard trays where necessary.

  3. Ergonomic Training: Offer ergonomic training sessions for employees to educate them on setting up their workstations correctly and adopting proper posture.

  4. Regular Assessments: Conduct regular ergonomic assessments to identify and rectify non-compliant workstations and address new ergonomic challenges.

Improving workstation ergonomics is crucial for maintaining employee health and enhancing productivity. By addressing the identified issues and implementing the recommended changes, [Your Company Name] can create a more comfortable and efficient working environment for all staff members. Continuous commitment to ergonomic principles will also demonstrate the company's dedication to employee well-being, potentially reducing workplace injuries and associated costs.

Prepared By:

[Your Name]

[Job Title]

[Month Day, Year]

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