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Marketing 3rd Party Data SLA

Marketing 3rd Party Data SLA

This Service Level Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), effective as of [Month Day, Year], is entered into and shall be binding upon [Your Company Name], henceforth referred to as the "Company," and [Provider Name] hereinafter identified as the "Provider," jointly recognized as the "Parties" hereunder. This Agreement shall commence on [Month Day, Year], and shall remain operative until [Month Day, Year], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the termination provisions detailed herein.

1. Service Scope

The Provider hereby covenants to administer the sustained supply of Third Party Data to the Company, ensuring that it is meticulously curated and encapsulates the subsequent categorizations, with inherent definitions, volumetric specifications, and predetermined update frequencies as specified herein:

Data Type


Update Frequency

Consumer Behavior

5M+ rows


Demographic Data

10M+ rows


Industry Trends

1M+ rows


1.1. The Provider shall grant the Company direct access to expert consultancy and a dedicated support team proficient in data analytics and management. This concierge service shall facilitate the seamless integration and maximization of the Third Party Data within the Company's existing operations and marketing strategies.

1.2. All data to be provided under this Agreement shall adhere scrupulously to relevant and applicable data protection and privacy legislations, including, but not limited to, GDPR, CCPA, and any other pertinent laws and regulations applicable in the jurisdictions of both Parties.

2. Data Quality and Accuracy

The Provider unequivocally commits to ensuring that the data supplied under this Agreement shall sustain a caliber of no less than ninety-five (95) percent in terms of accuracy and completeness. 

3. Service Management

Both Parties herein agree to designate a qualified manager ("Designated Manager") whose primary role shall be to supervise, direct, and facilitate all aspects of the operations and inter-party communications pertaining to the implementation and ongoing management of this Agreement.

4. Performance Metrics

4.1. The Provider is mandated to adhere scrupulously to the mutually agreed-upon data delivery schedule, ensuring that data transmissions are punctual and congruent with the stipulated timelines.

4.2. An utmost latency of twenty-four (24) hours from the prescribed delivery time shall be permissible, considering possible unanticipated delays or technical anomalies.

4.3. Any issues or discrepancies in the data, once reported by the Company, shall be acknowledged by the Provider within a maximum time frame of two (2) hours.

5. Pricing and Payment

The financial commitment for data provision services shall be configured predicated on the volume, category, and frequency of the data disseminated. Herein below is the designated pricing grid, elucidating the cost per one thousand (1,000) rows and the maximum monthly cap for various data types:

Data Type

Price per 1,000 Rows

Monthly Cap

Consumer Behavior



Demographic Data



Industry Trends



5.1. The Company commits to processing and remitting payment within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the aforementioned detailed invoice, in accordance with standard payment practices.

5.2. Payments rendered post the stipulated thirty (30) day window may be subjected to a late fee, calculated as 1.5% of the overdue amount, accruing monthly until the payment, inclusive of any accumulated late fees, is received in full by the Provider.

6. Data Security and Compliance

The sharing and utilization of data under the purview of this Agreement shall scrupulously adhere to the pertinent data protection and privacy laws, including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and any other prevailing and applicable legislation within the operational jurisdictions of the Parties. 

7. Breach and Penalties

Noncompliance or dereliction in adhering to the aforementioned performance metrics and other stipulated terms, as meticulously outlined within this Agreement, may subject the Provider to a judicious imposition of penalties. Such punitive measures, reflective of the magnitude and implications of the noncompliance, will be judiciously deliberated upon, and subsequently mutually agreed upon, by the Parties in a separate dialog.

8. Confidentiality

Both Parties hereby unequivocally pledge to scrupulously ensure the indomitable confidentiality of the data shared amidst them and solemnly commit to utilizing such data singularly and exclusively for the pursuits and objectives as meticulously and comprehensively delineated within the confines of this Agreement.

9. Termination

This Agreement may be terminated by either Party by providing a sixty (60) day written notice. Immediate termination can occur in the event of a material breach, subject to a thirty (30) day cure period.

10. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of New York, and the Parties agree to resolve any disputes under the exclusive jurisdiction of courts within New York.

11. Modification

Any and all modifications, alterations, or amendments to the substantive content of this Agreement must be explicitly delineated in writing and subsequently executed by securing the authentic signatures of authorized representatives from both the Company and the Provider, thus ensuring that the adjusted stipulations are mutually recognized, comprehensively understood, and formally accepted by both Parties, thereby preserving the sanctity and enforceability of the revised Agreement.

12. Signatures

In witness whereof, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date first above written.

[Your Company Name] Signature:

[Your Name]

Marketing Director

[Month Day, Year]

[Provider Name] Signature:


Marketing Manager

[Month Day, Year]

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