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Marketing Affiliate Issue Resolution Form

Marketing Affiliate Issue Resolution Form

Affiliate Name

[Your Name]

Affiliate ID


[Month Day, Year]

Description of Issue:

Issue Details

1. Issue Category:

  • Technical Issue

  • Commission Discrepancy

  • Marketing Materials

  • Communication

  • Other (Specify):                               

2. Detailed Description of Issue:

[Please provide a comprehensive description of the issue, including any relevant details, such as dates, campaigns, or materials involved. Be as specific as possible.]

Resolution Request

3. Desired Resolution:

  • Technical Support or Fix

  • Commission Adjustment

  • Marketing Material Request

  • Communication Clarification

  • Other (Specify):                               

4. Additional Information:

[Provide any additional information that may help us understand and resolve the issue, including relevant screenshots, documents, or references.]

Affiliate Contact Information

5. Email Address: [Employee Email]

6. Phone Number: [Employee Phone]

Resolution and Follow-up

7. Assigned to: [Employee Name]

8. Resolution Date: [Month Day, Year]

9. Resolution Details:

[Please provide a detailed explanation of how the issue was resolved, including any actions taken or solutions provided.]

Resolution Confirmation

10. Affiliate Confirmation:

  • The issue has been resolved to my satisfaction.

  • The issue has not been resolved to my satisfaction. Further assistance is needed.

11. Affiliate Signature:_____________

12. Date: [Month Day, Year]

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We are committed to resolving it promptly and ensuring your satisfaction as a valued affiliate partner. Please submit this form to [Employee Name]

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