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Marketing UX Resolution


This document outlines the resolutions aimed at improving User Experience (UX) for all marketing-related platforms owned by [Your Company Name]. The aim is to optimize customer interactions, improve conversion rates, and ultimately, enhance customer satisfaction.



This resolution covers all marketing digital assets, including but not limited to the website, landing pages, mobile apps, and email campaigns.

The following table outlines the Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of our marketing UX strategy. Each metric is accompanied by a description and a target value that serves as a benchmark for performance assessment.

Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):




Page Load Time

Time taken for a page to fully load

< 3 seconds

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Percentage of users who click on links

> 2%

Bounce Rate

Percentage of visitors who navigate away after viewing only one page

< 40%

Resolution Plan:

The table below outlines the Resolution Plan for addressing specific issues in various aspects of our marketing UX, such as the website, email campaigns, and mobile app. Each section identifies the issues at hand and provides targeted resolutions to enhance user experience.





Slow Page Load Time

Optimize image sizes and leverage browser caching

Low CTR on Call to Action (CTA)

A/B test different CTA placements and wording

Email Campaigns

Low Open Rate

A/B test different subject lines and sending times

Mobile App

Low User Retention

Improve onboarding process and add in-app tutorials

This resolution aims to continually improve the user experience across all marketing platforms by regularly measuring KPIs and iterating based on data-driven insights.

Approved by:

  • Name:

  • Title:

  • Date:

End of Document

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