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Marketing Affiliate Program Meeting Minute

Marketing Affiliate Program Meeting Minute

Meeting Details





  1. [Your Name] - Marketing Manager

  2. [Attendee Name] - [Attendee Title]

  3. [Attendee Name] - [Attendee Title]

  4. [Attendee Name] - [Attendee Title]

  5. [Attendee Name] - [Attendee Title]

Agenda Items

  1. Discuss Q3 performance

  2. Affiliate recruitment strategy

  3. Compliance update

  4. Future promotions

Discussion and Decisions

Agenda Item 1: Discuss Q3 Performance


  • Reviewed Q3 sales data, showing a 15% increase in revenue.

  • Click-through rates improved by 8% due to targeted campaigns.

  • Discussed top-performing affiliates and shared best practices.


  • Decision 1.1: Marketing to allocate additional budget for high-performing affiliates.

    Responsible: [Attendee Name]

    Deadline: [Month Day, Year]

  • Decision 1.2: Affiliate Manager to provide affiliates with updated promotional materials.

    Responsible: [Attendee Name]

    Deadline: [Month Day, Year]

Agenda Item 2: Affiliate Recruitment Strategy


  • Brainstormed ways to expand the affiliate network.

  • Agreed to launch a referral program for existing affiliates.

  • Discussed the importance of targeting niche affiliates.


  • Decision 2.1: Marketing to create a referral program guide for affiliates. Responsible: [Attendee Name]

    Deadline: [Month Day, Year]

  • Decision 2.2: Affiliate Manager to identify and onboard affiliates in niche markets.

    Responsible: [Attendee Name]

    Deadline: Ongoing

Agenda Item 3: Compliance Update


  • Reviewed recent compliance issues and resolved pending concerns.

  • Discussed the importance of affiliates adhering to FTC guidelines.

  • Compliance training sessions to be organized for all affiliates.


  • Decision 3.1: Affiliate Manager to schedule compliance training sessions. Responsible: [Attendee Name]

    Deadline: [Month Day, Year]

  • Decision 3.2: Marketing to create a compliance checklist for affiliates. Responsible: [Attendee Name]

    Deadline: [Month Day, Year]

Agenda Item 4: Future Promotions


  • Outlined upcoming holiday season promotions.

  • Discussed the use of email marketing and social media campaigns.

  • Highlighted the need for timely communication with affiliates.


  • Decision 4.1: Marketing to share promotional calendar with affiliates. Responsible: [Your Name]. Deadline: October 25, 2050

  • Decision 4.2: Affiliate Manager to coordinate with affiliates on promotional content. Responsible: Joe Young. Deadline: November 1, 2050

5. Performance Metrics


Q3 sales increased by 15%.

Click-Through Rate:

Improved by 8% in the last quarter.

Conversion Rate:

Currently at 5.2%.

Affiliate Earnings:

Total affiliate earnings in Q3 amounted to $250,000.

6. Challenges and Concerns

  • Challenge/Concern 1: Some affiliates need additional support in creating quality content.

  • Challenge/Concern 2: Ensuring all affiliates comply with FTC regulations.

7. Future Plans and Strategy

  • Future Plan 1: Expand the affiliate network by 20% in the next quarter.

  • Future Plan 2: Launch a targeted email campaign for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

8. Next Meeting Date

  • Date: [Month Day, Year]

  • Time: [00:00 AM/PM] - [00:00 AM/PM]

9. Meeting Conclusion

In conclusion, this meeting minute captures the key discussions and decisions made during the Marketing Affiliate Program meeting held on [Month Day, Year]. It serves as a record of our progress and commitments. Please review the document for accuracy, and if you have any additional comments or action items, feel free to add them. Our next meeting is scheduled for [Month Day, Year].

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