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Marketing Affiliate Criteria Rubric

Marketing Affiliate Criteria Rubric

This Marketing Affiliate Criteria Rubric outlines the criteria and evaluation process for selecting and onboarding affiliates into our affiliate program. This rubric ensures that affiliates meet the desired qualifications and align with our brand values.

Affiliate Selection Criteria

1. Quality of Content

Criteria: The affiliate's content, such as website, blog, or social media, should exhibit high quality, relevance, and professionalism.


  • Poor (0-2 points)

  • Satisfactory (3-5 points)

  • Excellent (6-10 points)

2. Audience Reach

Criteria: The affiliate should have a substantial and engaged audience within the target market.


  • Limited (0-2 points)

  • Moderate (3-5 points)

  • Extensive (6-10 points)

3. Brand Alignment

Criteria: The affiliate's content and values should align with our brand identity and products.


  • Poor Alignment (0-2 points)

  • Some Alignment (3-5 points)

  • Strong Alignment (6-10 points)

4. Traffic and Engagement

Criteria: The affiliate's platform should have a consistent flow of traffic and engagement.


  • Low (0-2 points)

  • Moderate (3-5 points)

  • High (6-10 points)

Affiliate Onboarding Criteria

1. Compliance with Policies

Criteria: Affiliates must agree to and comply with our affiliate program policies and legal regulations.


  • Non-Compliant (0-2 points)

  • Partially Compliant (3-5 points)

  • Fully Compliant (6-10 points)

2. Training and Onboarding

Criteria: Affiliates should successfully complete our onboarding and training programs.


  • Incomplete (0-2 points)

  • Satisfactory (3-5 points)

  • Successful (6-10 points)

3. Marketing Materials Utilization

Criteria: Affiliates should effectively use our marketing materials for promotional efforts.


  • Limited Use (0-2 points)

  • Some Use (3-5 points)

  • Extensive Use (6-10 points)

Affiliate Review Process

The affiliate review process includes evaluating potential affiliates against the criteria rubric and conducting interviews to ensure alignment with our brand values and objectives. The scores from the rubric guide the selection and onboarding decisions.


This Marketing Affiliate Criteria Rubric is a vital tool to ensure that we onboard affiliates who not only meet the desired qualifications but also align with our brand values. This process aims to build strong, long-term relationships with our affiliate partners.

For any questions or further information regarding this rubric, please contact [Employee Name].

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