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Marketing Affiliate Performance Evaluation

Marketing Affiliate Performance Evaluation

Affiliate Name:

Affiliate ID:

Evaluation Period:

From: [Month]

To: [Month]

Date of Evaluation:

Performance Metrics

  1. Traffic Generation

a. Total Clicks Generated:

b. Click-Through Rate (CTR):

c. Unique Visitors:

  1. Conversion Metrics

a. Total Conversions:

b. Conversion Rate:

c. Average Order Value

  1. Revenue and Sales

a. Total Sales Generated:

b. Total Revenue Generated: 

c. Commission Earned:


  1. Customer Engagement

a. Email Signups:

b. Social Media Shares:

c. Comments and Feedback:

  1. Content Quality

a. Adherence to Brand
Guidelines (1-5 scale):

b. Quality of Content
(1-5 scale):

c. Relevance of
Content to Audience:

Performance Ratings (1-5 Scale)

Overall Performance


Traffic Generation

Conversion Metrics

Revenue and Sales

Customer Engagement

Content Quality

Additional Comments and Feedback:

[John's Awesome Gadgets has performed exceptionally well in driving traffic and generating conversions. However, there's room for improvement in content quality and customer engagement. It's crucial to work on creating more engaging content and enhancing user engagement to further boost performance.]

Goals and Next Steps:

  1. Identify areas for improvement: Content quality and customer engagement.

Action Plan:

  1.  Provide additional training or resources



Performance Improvement Goals:

Goal 1: [Improve content quality to a rating of 4 by next evaluation.]

Goal 2:

Goal 3:

Next Evaluation Date: [Month Day, Year]

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