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Marketing Bounce Rate Survey

Marketing Bounce Rate Survey

Please provide honest responses to all questions to ensure the accuracy of our findings.

Demographic Information

Full Name: [Your Name]

Occupation: Data Analyst

Age: 25

Company: [Your Company Name]

General Browsing Habits

  1. How often do you shop online?

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Rarely

    • Never

  2. What generally prompts you to leave a website soon after arriving (select all that apply)?

    • Slow loading times

    • Unattractive or difficult navigation

    • Irrelevant content

    • Too many pop-ups or advertisements

Your Experience with [Your Company Name]

  1. How did you first hear about [Your Company Name]?

    • Online advertisement

    • Word of mouth

    • Social media

  2. Rate your overall experience on our website.

    • Excellent

    • Good

    • Fair

    • Poor

    • Very Poor

Improvements and Suggestions

What suggestions do you have for reducing the bounce rate on [Your Company Name]’s website?

Implement clear and simple navigation menus that facilitate easy movement around the site.

Are there specific types of content or information you find most engaging on marketing websites?

Any additional comments or feedback for [Your Company Name]?

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Should you have any further comments or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Your Company Email] or [Your Company Number].

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