Administration IT Support SLA

Administration IT Support SLA

Between [Your Company Name] and [Client Company Name]

Effective Date: [Month, Day, Year]

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is made effective as of [Month, Day, Year] by and between [Your Company Name], herein referred to as the "Service Provider," and [Client Company Name], herein referred to as the "Client." This agreement outlines the parameters of all IT services covered, as they are mutually understood by the primary stakeholders. This SLA will be reviewed annually and amendments may be made to reflect the mutually agreed changes.

1. Purpose

The primary objective of this Service Level Agreement (SLA) is to ascertain that all the necessary components and obligations are appropriately established. This preparation serves to facilitate regular and consistent support and delivery of IT services to the client(s). This function is performed by the Service Provider who guarantees that the agreed services will meet the client's(s') needs and expectations, ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction and trust.

2. Scope

The following Services are covered by this Agreement:

  • Network connectivity and management

  • Hardware and software support

  • Security management including firewalls and antivirus

  • Data backup and recovery services

  • Email services and support

  • Helpdesk support for all IT-related inquiries and issues

3. Service Performance

Service Availability

  • Services will be available 99.5% of the time, measured monthly, excluding scheduled maintenance windows.

Service Requests

  • Helpdesk support will be available 24/7 through email, phone, and chat.

  • Response Time: Immediate acknowledgment of service requests with a maximum response time of 1 hour for critical issues and 4 hours for non-critical issues.

Maintenance and Upgrades

  • The management has a policy to notify users regarding any upcoming scheduled maintenance work at least one week prior to the actual date. This is done in order to provide ample time for the users to prepare or adjust their schedules as needed. Furthermore, to decrease the chances of causing any significant disturbance or inconvenience for the users, these maintenance tasks are thoughtfully planned to be executed during periods of lower activity, known as off-peak hours.

4. Responsibilities

Service Provider Responsibilities:

  • Meet response times associated with the priority assigned to incidents and requests.

  • Perform regular backups and conduct recovery tests periodically.

  • Maintain the security of all IT systems and data.

Client Responsibilities:

  • Provide timely information and access to resources as required for the Service Provider to deliver the services.

  • Report issues and requests through the designated channels.

5. Performance Metrics

Performance metrics will be established in consultation with the Client and may include:

  • Uptime percentages

  • Response times for incidents and service requests

  • Resolution times

  • Customer satisfaction ratings

6. Review and Amendments

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is subject to review on a yearly basis. That said, the agreement can also be reviewed at other times, should both parties mutually agree to do so. The purpose of these reviews is to make necessary adjustments and improvements. The adjustments and improvements made will be primarily based on the operational needs and performance feedback that is obtained.

7. Signatures

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) hereby enters into force commencing from the date on which the last signature was appended below. It will persist and remain in full effect until such a time as it is modified or ended. This modification or termination can be initiated by any one of the parties involved, provided there is a written notice of 30 days. This requirement ensures that all parties are given ample time to adjust to any changes or the possible termination of the agreement.

[Your Company Name] Representative: [Your Name]

[Month, Day, Year]

Representative's Signature

[Client Company Name] Representative: [Representative Name]

[Month, Day, Year]

Client Company Representative Signature

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