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Marketing Referral Source Compliance Document

Marketing Referral Source Compliance Document

Company: [Your Company Name]

Date: [Date]

I. Introduction

This document outlines our company's guidelines and compliance requirements for tracking and managing referral sources. It ensures that we maintain transparency, integrity, and ethical standards when attributing and rewarding referrals.

II. Referral Source Categories

A. [Direct Referrals]

  • Definition: Direct referrals are generated when a customer refers a friend or contact through word-of-mouth, without using any digital platforms.

  • Attribution: Referrals from this category will be tracked manually by our customer support team.

  • Reward: A [10% discount] will be offered to both the referrer and the referred customer upon a successful transaction.

B. [Online Referrals]

  • Definition: Online referrals are generated through digital platforms such as social media, email campaigns, or affiliate programs.

  • Attribution: Online referrals will be tracked using unique referral links or codes.

  • Reward: The referrer will receive a [5% discount] on their next purchase, and the referred customer will receive a [10% discount] on their first purchase.

C. [Partnerships]

  • Definition: Partnerships refer to formal collaborations with other businesses to cross-promote each other's products or services.

  • Attribution: Partnerships will be tracked through a dedicated tracking system.

  • Reward: Rewards for partnerships will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis and outlined in the partnership agreement.

III. Compliance Requirements

A. Disclosure

  • All referrers must disclose their relationship with our company when making referrals. This includes stating if they are an employee, affiliate, or business partner.

B. Accuracy

  • All referral sources must be accurately identified and categorized. Misrepresentation of referral sources is strictly prohibited.

C. Data Protection

  • Referral data will be handled in compliance with relevant data protection laws. Customer consent for referral tracking will be obtained as required.

D. Fair Practices

  • Referrals should be made in a fair and ethical manner. Spammy or dishonest referral practices will result in the disqualification of rewards.

IV. Reporting and Monitoring

Our compliance team will regularly monitor referral source activities to ensure compliance with these guidelines. Any violations will be addressed promptly, and appropriate actions will be taken, which may include the suspension of referral privileges.

V. Conclusion

Maintaining compliance with these referral source guidelines is essential for maintaining trust with our customers and partners. By following these rules, we ensure transparency, fairness, and ethical practices in all our referral activities.

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