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Marketing Tracking Rubric

Marketing Tracking Rubric

This Marketing Tracking Rubric is a tool for assessing the performance of our marketing efforts. It is designed to provide us with a clear view of our marketing metrics and KPIs, aiding data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

Metric Category  

Specific Metrics and KPIs 

Period Covered

Date of Evaluation

Website Analytics

Total Website Visits

Unique Visitors


Bounce Rate

Average Session Duration



Social Media 

Total Followers (per platform)

Likes, Shares, Comments

Follower Growth Rate

Email Marketing

Number of Campaigns Sent
Open Rate
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Conversion Rate
New Subscribers

List Churn Rate

Paid Advertising

Number of Campaigns Run
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Cost Per Click (CPC)
Conversion Rate
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Content Marketing

Number of Blog Posts Published
Time on Page
Engagement Metrics

Offline Marketing

Number of Events Attended
Leads Generated
Cost Per Lead
Ad Placements
Response Metrics (e.g., QR code scans)

Marketing Expenses

Breakdown of Marketing Budget
Overall Marketing ROI
ROI by Marketing Channel

Customer Feedback and Surveys

Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

Number of Feedback Responses

Common Themes and Issues

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Traffic and Engagement Metrics
Ad Spend and Strategies
Market Share Change

Recommendations and Action Plan

Key Findings

Action Plan

Budget Adjustments

Improvement Strategies

Conclusion and Executive Summary

Summary of the period's marketing performance

Key takeaways and achievements


The data presented in this rubric is a snapshot of our marketing activities at specific points in time and may have limitations. It should be used in conjunction with other qualitative analyses for well-informed decisions. We are committed to safeguarding customer data and will adjust the rubric as needed to reflect our evolving goals and objectives.

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