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Administration Conflict Resolution Form

Administration Conflict Resolution Form

Please ensure all sections are completed accurately and thoroughly. Once the form is filled out, both the employee and their supervisor/manager are required to sign and date it. Thank you for your commitment to resolving conflicts effectively and collaboratively.



Employee Name:

[Employee's Full Name]


[Employee's Position or Title]


[Employee's Department]


[Supervisor/Manager's Name]

Conflict Details

  1. Nature of Conflict


Work Style Differences

Resource Allocation Dispute

Role Ambiguity

Other (please specify):

  1. Description of Conflict

Describe the conflict in detail, including relevant incidents, interactions, and any attempts at resolution.

Resolution Process

  1. Resolution Approach

Direct Communication


Involvement of HR

Other (please specify):

  1. Steps Taken Towards Resolution

Outline the steps taken by the involved parties to address and resolve the conflict.

  1. Outcome of Resolution Efforts

Describe the outcome of the resolution process, including any agreements reached or actions taken.


  1. Follow-up Actions Required

Specify any follow-up actions needed to ensure the resolution remains effective.

  1. Follow-up Timeline

Indicate the timeline for completing the follow-up actions.

  1. Additional Comments/Notes

Include any additional comments or notes relevant to the conflict resolution process.


Employee Signature:

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Supervisor/Manager Signature:

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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