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Administration Document Control Evaluation Form

Administration Document Control Evaluation Form

by:[Your Company Name]

Evaluator Name:

[Your Name]

Date Reviewed:

[Date Here]

Document Title:

[Document Title]

Document Number:

[Document Number]

  1. Document Accessibility:

    • Are documents easily accessible to authorized personnel?

    • Is there a clear system in place for locating and retrieving documents?

  2. Document Security:

    • Are appropriate security measures in place to protect confidential documents?

    • Is access to sensitive documents restricted to authorized personnel only?

  3. Version Control:

    • Is there a clear version control system in place to track document revisions?

    • Are outdated versions of documents promptly removed from circulation?

  4. Document Review Process:

    • Is there a defined process for reviewing and approving documents?

    • Are revisions and approvals documented for audit purposes?

  5. Document Retention and Disposal:

    • Is there a policy in place for retaining documents based on regulatory requirements?

    • Are obsolete documents securely disposed of in accordance with established procedures?

  6. Document Training and Awareness:

    • Are employees trained on document control procedures?

    • Is there adequate awareness of the importance of document control throughout the organization?

  7. Document Control System Effectiveness:

    • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being Poor and 5 being Excellent, how effective is the current document control system in ensuring the integrity and accessibility of documents?

Comments and Recommendations:

Please provide any additional comments or recommendations for improving document control within the organization:

Overall Evaluation:

  • Overall Rating on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent):

Evaluator Signature:

(Evaluator's Signature)

[Your Name]


Thank you for completing the Document Control Evaluation Form. Your feedback is valuable for continuous improvement in our document management processes.

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