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Administration Meeting Resolution Document

Administration Meeting
Resolution Document

Date: [Insert Date]

Meeting Date: [Insert Meeting Date]

Location: [Insert Meeting Location]




Meeting Purpose: To address operational inefficiencies, enhance communication strategies, and evaluate project management frameworks to support our strategic objectives.

WHEREAS, there has been identified a significant issue in interdepartmental communication leading to delays in project completion;

WHEREAS, there have been instances of budget overruns in several projects due to a lack of a stringent review process;

AND WHEREAS, a need for standardizing project initiation processes to ensure consistency and efficiency across departments has been recognized;


  1. The implementation of a centralized communication platform by the end of the quarter is mandated to improve interdepartmental communication. This shall include a weekly check-in for project teams to synchronize updates and promptly address any issues. The Communications Department and IT Department are designated as responsible parties for this action.

  2. The introduction of a new budget approval workflow that includes a preliminary review by the finance team for all project budgets exceeding a specified threshold is required. This workflow will also feature a quarterly budget review process to adjust and reallocate funds as necessary. The Finance Department and Project Management Office are tasked with this initiative.

  3. The development and distribution of a project initiation template that outlines essential steps, required documentation, and approval checkpoints, alongside conducting training sessions for all department heads, are mandated to ensure understanding and compliance. The Operations Department and Human Resources Department will lead this effort.


  1. The IT Department is tasked with providing a shortlist of suitable communication platforms within the next two weeks.

  2. The Finance Department will draft the new budget approval workflow for review at the upcoming executive meeting.

  3. Operations and HR Departments will collaborate on the project initiation template and schedule training sessions by the end of the next month.











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