Administration Meeting Guidelines Rubric

Administration Meeting
Guidelines Rubric

This rubric is designed to guide our meetings, ensuring they are productive, efficient, and aligned with our organizational objectives. It provides a framework for evaluating the effectiveness of our meetings and offers criteria for continuous improvement.






Agenda Setting

Agenda circulated >48 hours in advance with clear topics, objectives, and outcomes.

Agenda circulated 36-48 hours in advance with sufficient detail.

Agenda circulated <36 hours in advance lacking some details.

No agenda circulated or circulated too late to be useful.

Participant Roles

Roles clearly assigned and communicated well before the meeting.

Roles assigned with minimal lead time but clear.

Roles not clearly defined or communicated late.

Roles not assigned or communicated, leading to confusion.

Time Management

Meeting starts/ends on time; agenda items adequately covered within designated times.

Minor deviations from planned times; all items covered.

Significant time mismanagement; some items rushed or skipped.

Meeting poorly timed; agenda not fully covered.


Active and respectful participation from all; diverse viewpoints encouraged.

Good participation from most; some diversity in viewpoints.

Limited participation; few viewpoints expressed.

Poor participation; lack of respect or inclusivity in discussion.

Decision Making

Decisions reached by consensus or clear process; all voices considered.

Most decisions reached by consensus; process occasionally unclear.

Some attempts at consensus; decision-making process not always followed.

Decisions made without consensus or clear process; exclusivity in decision-making.

Action Items

Clear summary action of items with responsibilities and deadlines provided promptly.

Action items summarized with minor delays or missing details.

Action items unclear or delayed significantly.

No summary of action items or significant delays and inaccuracies.


Meeting summary distributed within 24 hours; comprehensive and accurate.

Meeting summary slightly delayed but accurate.

Meeting summary delayed >24 hours or lacks detail.

No meeting summary or significantly delayed and inaccurate.


Meeting effectively meets objectives with positive outcomes; evaluated promptly.

Meeting mostly meets objectives; evaluation shows minor issues.

Meeting partially meets objectives; effectiveness questioned.

Meeting does not meet objectives; no effective evaluation conducted.

Continuous Improvement

Feedback actively collected, reviewed, and implemented for improvement.

Feedback collected and reviewed with some implementation.

Limited feedback collection; minimal review or improvement.

No feedback collected or reviewed; no improvement efforts.

This rubric will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and effective in guiding our meeting practices.

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