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Administration Vendor Meeting SLA

Administration Vendor Meeting SLA

This Administration Vendor Meeting Service Level Agreement (SLA) is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Client Company Name], with its principal place of business located at [Client Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Client"), and [Your Company Name], with its principal place of business located at [Your Company Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider"). Both the Client and the Service Provider may be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."

WHEREAS, the Parties recognize the importance of clear communication, regular updates, and mutual cooperation for the effective delivery and improvement of the services provided;

WHEREAS, the purpose of this SLA is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent service support and delivery to the Client by the Service Provider;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Parties hereto agree to uphold the terms outlined in this SLA, which sets forth the expectations regarding meeting frequency, scheduling, agenda setting, roles and responsibilities, communication protocols, performance review and metrics, issue resolution process, confidentiality, and data protection.

I. Scope of Services

A. Overview: The Service Provider shall offer comprehensive IT support services to the Client, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. These services include, but are not limited to, regular system maintenance, software updates, technical support, and emergency response services.

B. Performance Standards: The Service Provider commits to maintaining a minimum uptime of 99% for all provided services, responding to critical system outages within 2 hours, and resolving standard technical support queries within 48 hours.

C. Reporting and Documentation: The Service Provider shall provide monthly performance reports to the Client, detailing service utilization, system performance metrics, and any issues resolved or pending resolution. Additionally, the Service Provider will document all maintenance activities and system upgrades.

II. Meeting Frequency and Scheduling

A. Regular Meetings: The Client and the Service Provider shall hold regular meetings on a quarterly basis, specifically within the first 15 days of the start of each quarter. These meetings aim to review service performance, address any outstanding issues, and plan for future initiatives.

B. Special Meetings: In addition to regular meetings, special meetings may be convened by either Party in case of urgent issues or significant changes in service requirements. Requests for special meetings must be made at least 7 days in advance, unless an emergency necessitates an immediate discussion.

C. Scheduling Process: Meeting dates shall be mutually agreed upon by both Parties. The Service Provider is responsible for proposing three potential dates for each meeting, from which the Client will choose the most convenient option.

III. Agenda Setting

A. Preliminary Agenda: At least 10 days before a scheduled meeting, the Client shall provide a preliminary agenda outlining key discussion points. This agenda serves as a basis for the meeting and ensures that all necessary topics are covered.

B. Final Agenda: The Service Provider shall review the preliminary agenda and may propose additional items for discussion. A finalized agenda must be agreed upon by both Parties at least 5 days before the meeting date.

C. Urgent Additions: If urgent matters arise within 5 days before the meeting, either Party may request the addition of items to the agenda. Such requests should be made as soon as possible, and both Parties must agree to the inclusion of the new topics.

IV. Roles and Responsibilities

A. Client Responsibilities: The Client is responsible for providing timely feedback on the services received, including reporting any issues or dissatisfaction. The Client shall also ensure that all necessary information and access required by the Service Provider for the delivery of services are provided promptly.

B. Service Provider Responsibilities: The Service Provider is responsible for the delivery of services as outlined in the Scope of Services. This includes meeting the performance standards specified, responding to service requests and issues within the agreed timeframes, and maintaining open and effective communication with the Client.

V. Communication Protocols

A. Regular Updates: The Service Provider shall provide weekly updates via email on ongoing issues, upcoming maintenance activities, and any changes in service delivery that may affect the Client. Urgent issues will be communicated immediately via phone, followed by a detailed email.

B. Response Times: For non-urgent communications, the Service Provider will respond to Client queries within 24 hours on business days. For urgent matters, the Service Provider commits to a response time of 2 hours.

C. Escalation Procedure: In the event of unresolved issues or dissatisfaction with the service response, the Client may escalate the matter to a designated senior manager within the Service Provider's organization. The escalation contact and procedure will be detailed in an appendix to this SLA.

VI. Performance and Review Metrics

A. Service Availability: The Service Provider guarantees a service availability of 99%, measured monthly. Downtime excludes scheduled maintenance, for which the Client will be notified at least 48 hours in advance.

B. Resolution Times: The Service Provider commits to resolving critical issues within 2 hours and all other issues within 48 hours. Resolution time metrics will be reviewed quarterly.

C. Customer Satisfaction: A quarterly survey will be conducted to gauge the Client's satisfaction with the services provided. The Service Provider aims for a satisfaction rating of at least 90%.

D. Review Meetings: Performance metrics will be reviewed in detail during the quarterly meetings, with both Parties discussing achievements and areas for improvement. These meetings will also serve as a platform for adjusting the metrics as necessary to reflect changing needs or priorities.

VII. Issue Resolution Process

A. Issue Reporting: The Client shall report any service-related issues to the Service Provider using the designated communication channels. Each issue should be clearly described, including any steps taken by the Client to identify or resolve the issue.

B. Initial Assessment: Upon receipt of an issue report, the Service Provider will conduct an initial assessment and classify the issue according to severity. The Client will be informed of the classification and estimated resolution time within 4 hours of reporting.

C. Resolution Process: The Service Provider commits to initiating the resolution process for critical issues within 2 hours and for non-critical issues within 24 hours. Regular updates will be provided to the Client until the issue is resolved.

D. Post-Resolution Review: For issues classified as critical, a post-resolution review will be conducted with the Client to discuss the cause, the effectiveness of the resolution process, and measures to prevent future occurrences. This review will take place within 7 days of issue resolution.

VIII. Confidentiality and Data Protection

A. Confidential Information: Both Parties agree to treat all information related to this SLA, including business processes, data, and client information, as confidential. Such information shall not be disclosed to third parties without prior written consent.

B. Data Protection: The Service Provider shall comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations in the handling of the Client's data. This includes implementing appropriate security measures to protect data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

C. Breach Notification: In the event of a data breach or confidentiality breach, the responsible Party will notify the other Party within 24 hours of discovering the breach and cooperate fully in the investigation and resolution of the breach.

IX. Amendments and Termination

A. Amendments: This SLA may be amended or modified only by a written agreement signed by authorized representatives of both Parties. Any proposed changes by either Party must be submitted in writing and agreed upon by both Parties.

B. Termination: Either Party may terminate this SLA with 30 days written notice if the other Party fails to meet its obligations under the terms of this SLA. In the event of termination, the Service Provider shall return or destroy all Client data in its possession, according to the Client's instructions.

C. Survival: Sections concerning confidentiality, data protection, and any other provisions which by their nature should survive, will remain in effect after termination or expiration of this SLA.


This Service Level Agreement is hereby agreed to by the undersigned authorized representatives of the Client and the Service Provider.






Service Provider





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