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Email Marketing Service SLA (Service Level Agreement)

Email Marketing Service SLA (Service Level Agreement)

This Email Marketing Service SLA (Service Level Agreement) meticulously delineates the precise terms and conditions that govern the provision of email marketing services by [Your Company Name] to Client Company. It has been thoughtfully crafted to establish a transparent and all-encompassing framework, fostering a deep understanding of the expectations and responsibilities associated with our service commitment.

1. Parties

  • [Your Company Name]: Provider of email marketing services.

  • Client Company: Recipient of email marketing services.

2. Service Overview

2.1. Service Description

[Your Company Name] offers email marketing services to Client Company, including email campaign creation, delivery, and reporting.

2.2. Service Objectives

The primary objectives of this service are to:

  • Deliver email campaigns to targeted audiences.

  • Maintain high email deliverability rates.

  • Provide detailed campaign performance reports.

3. Service Level Agreement

3.1. Availability

[Your Company Name] commits to maintaining an email marketing platform uptime of at least 99.9% during the service term.

3.2.Response Time

[Your Company Name] will respond to client inquiries or support requests within 4 hours during regular business hours (defined as 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday).

3.3. Email Delivery Rates

[Your Company Name] guarantees a minimum email delivery rate of 95%. If the delivery rate falls below this threshold, [Your Company Name] will take corrective action within 24 hours.

3.4. Data Security

[Your Company Name] will implement industry-standard security measures to protect client data, including email lists and campaign content. Data will be stored in compliance with relevant data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR).

3.5. Scalability

[Your Company Name] will ensure the email marketing platform can scale up or down to accommodate changes in email campaign volume within 12 hours.

3.6. Backup and Data Recovery

[Your Company Name] will perform daily backups of client data and maintain backups for a minimum of 30 days. In the event of data loss, [Your Company Name] will initiate data recovery procedures within 6 hours.

3.7. Compliance and Regulations

[Your Company Name] will ensure that all email campaigns sent through the platform comply with relevant email marketing laws and regulations, including CAN-SPAM and CASL.

3.8. Support and Maintenance

[Your Company Name] will provide customer support during 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday. Response time for resolving issues will be 4 hours.

3.9. Termination and Refunds

Either party may terminate this agreement with 30 days' written notice. In the event of termination, [Your Company Name] will refund any unused service fees on a pro-rata basis.

3.10. Reporting and Monitoring

[Your Company Name] will provide Client Company with access to a dashboard for monitoring email campaign performance. Monthly reports will be delivered to the Client Company’s address.


Sent Emails

Open Rate (%)

Click Rate (%)

Bounce Rate (%)






3.11. Penalties and Remedies

In the event of [Your Company Name] failing to meet the agreed-upon service levels, Client Company may request compensation or penalties as defined in Appendix A.

4. Miscellaneous

4.1. Force Majeure

Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this agreement if such failure or delay is caused by events beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of nature, government restrictions, and labor disputes.

5. Data Security Breach

In the event of a data security breach that results in unauthorized access to client data, [Your Company Name] will immediately investigate the breach, take corrective actions, and provide a detailed report to the Client Company. If the breach is attributed to negligence on the part of [Your Company Name], [Your Company Name] will be liable for any direct financial losses incurred by Client Company as a result of the breach.

6. Failure to Comply with Regulations

If [Your Company Name] fails to ensure that email campaigns comply with relevant email marketing laws and regulations, including CAN-SPAM and CASL, [Your Company Name] will work with Client Company to rectify the non-compliance at no additional cost. Failure to rectify compliance issues within a reasonable timeframe may result in a service credit at Client Company's discretion.

7. Termination Without Notice

If either party terminates this agreement without providing the required 30 days' written notice and without a valid cause, the terminating party shall compensate the other party for any financial losses incurred as a direct result of the sudden termination.

By signing below, both parties acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the terms outlined in this Email Marketing Service SLA.

[Your Company Name]

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Month Day, Year]

[Client Company Name]

[Client Representative Name]

[Client Representative Position]

[Month Day, Year]

Appendix A: Penalties and Remedies

In the event of [Your Company Name] failing to meet the agreed-upon service levels as outlined in Section 3 of this Email Marketing Service SLA, the following penalties and remedies shall apply:

A. Email Delivery Rate Below [00]%: If the email delivery rate falls below [00]% for two consecutive months, [Your Company Name] will provide Client Company with a service credit equivalent to [00]% of the monthly service fee for each month that the threshold is not met.

B. Downtime Exceeding [00]%: If the email marketing platform experiences downtime exceeding [00]% in a calendar month, [Your Company Name] will issue a service credit equivalent to [0]% of the monthly service fee for that month.

C. Response Time Exceeding [0] Hours: If [Your Company Name] fails to respond to client inquiries or support requests within [0] hours during regular business hours (defined as [0:00] - [0:00], Monday to Friday) for three or more consecutive instances, [Your Company Name] will provide Client Company with a service credit equivalent to [0]% of the monthly service fee for the affected month.

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