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Administration Cross-Departmental Meeting Plan

Administration Cross-Departmental Meeting Plan

A. Meeting Overview

The cross-departmental meeting brings together representatives from all departments within the organization. The goal is to promote effective communication, collaboration, and coordination across the board. Existing issues will be addressed, innovative ideas will be shared, and strategies for improving our workflow will be mapped out.

B. Objective of Meeting

Our primary goals for this meeting are to foster inter-department relationships, gain insights into departmental functions and objectives, and identify opportunities for cross-departmental collaboration. We aim to resolve any miscommunications or conflicts among departments and work towards promoting a cohesive work environment.

C. Agenda

  • Introduction and scope of meeting

  • Department presentations

  • Open discussion on departmental cross-collaboration

  • Action planning and target setting

  • Closure and roundup

D. Participants

This table indicates the departments to be represented, and their respective representatives who will participate in the meeting:




[Your Name]

E. Logistics

The meeting will be held at the main conference room. Necessary logistics related to location, IT assistance, seating plan, coffee break, and refreshments are to be arranged by the administrative department. All materials required for presentations will be pre-checked and placed in the conference room prior to the meeting.

F. Meeting Norms

To ensure a smooth flow, it is crucial that all attendees adhere to the meeting norms. Punctuality, active participation, respectful communication, holding off on side conversations, and turning off electronic devices are some of the expectations discussed in this meeting.

G. Department Presentations

Each department will have allocated time to present important updates, ongoing projects, and plans for the future. They are also expected to share the challenges that they face, especially in terms of intra-departmental collaboration.

H. Discussion Session

An open forum discussion following the presentations will allow departments to address their concerns, suggest solutions, and identify opportunities for collaboration. As a facilitator, create a comfortable environment for open, honest communication.

I. Action Planning and Follow Up

Based on the presentations and discussions, an action plan will be drafted highlighting key steps, persons responsible, and deadline dates. A follow-up plan will also be formulated to ensure these actions are implemented and feedback is collected.

J. Evaluation

Post-meeting, an evaluation will be carried out to measure the effectiveness and success of the meeting. Feedback from participants will be collected and analyzed for continuous improvement in conducting future cross-departmental meetings.

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