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Administration Meeting Satisfaction Survey

Administration Meeting Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is important to help us improve our administration meetings. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions honestly.


Rating Scale


How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the meeting?

1 (Poor) - 5 (Excellent)

Were the objectives of the meeting clearly communicated beforehand?

Yes / No

Were the topics discussed relevant to your role and responsibilities?

Strongly Disagree - Strongly Agree

Were the meeting materials (agenda, presentations, handouts) provided in advance?

Yes / No

How would you rate the facilitator's ability to keep the meeting focused and on schedule?

1 (Poor) - 5 (Excellent)

Was there sufficient opportunity for all participants to contribute and ask questions?

Strongly Disagree - Strongly Agree

Were decisions made during the meeting clearly documented and communicated?

Yes / No

How satisfied are you with the overall organization and structure of the meeting?

1 (Not Satisfied) - 5 (Very Satisfied)

Were action items and follow-up tasks clearly assigned and communicated?

Strongly Disagree - Strongly Agree

How likely are you to recommend improvements for future meetings based on this experience?

1 (Not Likely) - 5 (Very Likely)

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