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Marketing Affiliate Discrepancy Resolution

Marketing Affiliate Discrepancy Resolution

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Parties Involved

Advertiser (Merchant):

[Your Company Name]

Affiliate (Publisher):

[Affiliate Company Name]


Step 1: Data Analysis

Both parties conducted a thorough analysis of their respective data for the [Quarter] [Year] campaign. The following discrepancies were identified:

  • [Your Company Name] reported [0,000] conversions during the campaign.

  • [Affiliate Company Name] reported [0,000] conversions during the campaign.

Step 2: Communication

Representatives from [Your Company Name] and [Affiliate Company Name] engaged in open and transparent communication to identify the root causes of the discrepancies. The following issues were discussed:

Cookie Tracking Discrepancies

It was discovered that some users of [Affiliate Company Name] had stricter cookie settings that led to underreporting.

Attribution Model Differences

Time Zone Differences

Fraud And Quality Issues

Step 3: System Adjustments

To address the identified issues, the following adjustments were agreed upon:

Cookie Tracking

[Affiliate Company Name] will implement a more user-friendly cookie consent mechanism to reduce tracking discrepancies.

Attribution Model Alignment

Time Zone Synchronization

Fraud Prevention

Step 4: Documentation

A comprehensive document outlining the agreed-upon adjustments and resolutions was created and signed by both parties. This document will serve as a reference for future campaigns and dispute resolution.

Step 5: Dispute Resolution

In the event of future discrepancies, both parties agreed to follow the procedures outlined in their contract for dispute resolution. This may involve engaging a third-party mediator if necessary.


In a spirit of collaboration and mutual commitment to the success of our partnership, [Your Company Name] and [Affiliate Company Name] have diligently addressed the discrepancies encountered during the [Quarter] [Year] campaign. Through open and transparent communication, rigorous data analysis, and a shared dedication to improvement, both parties have successfully navigated the challenges at hand.

By implementing practical solutions to rectify the identified issues, such as more user-friendly cookie tracking, alignment on attribution models, time zone synchronization, and enhanced fraud prevention measures, both parties have set the foundation for more accurate and reliable campaigns in the future.

This document is hereby considered accepted and resolved by both parties, signifying our unwavering dedication to achieving common goals and delivering value to our audiences.


[Your Company Name] Representative


Name: [Your Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

[Affiliate Company Name] Representative


Name: [Affiliate Representative Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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