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Email Marketing Engagement Survey

Email Marketing Engagement Survey

Survey Start Date: [Month Day, Year]

Survey End Date: [Month Day, Year]

Estimated Time: Approximately [0] - [0] minutes

Privacy Your responses are confidential

Incentive A chance to win a $[000] gift card

Survey Questions:

1. Content Relevance: How relevant are the emails you receive from us to your interests and needs?

  • Highly Relevant

  • Moderately Relevant

  • Slightly Relevant

  • Not Relevant

  • Not Sure

2. Frequency: How often would you prefer to receive emails from us?

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Bi-weekly

  • Monthly

  • Rarely

  • Never

3. Design and Layout: Is our email template visually appealing and easy to navigate?

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Fair

  • Poor

4. Call-to-Action: Are our emails effective in guiding you towards the desired actions?

  • Very Effective

  • Somewhat Effective

  • Not Very Effective

  • Ineffective

5. Personalization: How well do we tailor our content to your preferences and behavior?

  • Extremely Well

  • Adequately

  • Needs Improvement

  • Not At All

6. Delivery Time: What time of day is most convenient for you to receive our emails?

  • Morning

  • Afternoon 

  • Evening

  • Anytime

  • No Preference

Additional Comments

Thank you for your feedback! We genuinely appreciate your time and valuable insights. Your feedback is essential in helping us improve and tailor our products and services to better meet your needs.

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