Free Administration Document Review Questionnaire Template



Free Administration Document Review Questionnaire Template

Administration Document Review Questionnaire

This survey is aimed at understanding the practices and challenges associated with administration document management in [Your Company Name]. Your responses will help us identify areas for improvement and implement effective solutions. Please answer the following questions as honestly and comprehensively as possible.

Document Storage and Retrieval

1. Describe your current document storage system.

A: Our current document storage system primarily relies on a combination of network drives and cloud-based platforms. Documents are organized into folders based on departmental or project-specific categories, with access permissions granted accordingly. We also utilize document management software to facilitate indexing and retrieval of documents based on metadata tags and keywords.

2. How frequently do you encounter difficulties in retrieving stored documents?


Document Version Control

3. Describe how document versions are managed in your department.


4. What challenges, if any, do you encounter related to document version management?


Document Approval and Dissemination

5. Describe the process(es) for approving and disseminating documents.


6. Are there any challenges or inefficiencies in these processes? If so, please explain.


Document Security

7. How is document security handled in your department?


8. Have there been any security incidents related to administration documents? If yes, please explain.


Demographic Information

Please provide the following details to help us better understand the context of your responses.

9. What is your position/title?


10. How long have you been in this position?


Thank you for participating in this questionnaire. Your feedback is valuable to us in improving our administrative document procedures in [Your Company Name].

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